Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager




George Small, P.E., Engineering Director


Kumar Neppalli, Traffic Engineer




Implementation Plan for Traffic Safety Improvements on Fordham Boulevard between Manning Drive and Old Mason Farm Road




December 4, 2006





Adoption of the attached resolution would authorize the following actions regarding pedestrian and bicycle access, circulation and safety on Fordham Boulevard between Manning Drive and Old Mason Farm Road:

  1. Forward the Fordham Boulevard Safety Work Group recommendations/report to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the University of North Carolina for review and consideration of possible implementation opportunities.
  2. Authorize the Mayor and Town Manager to meet with officials of the NCDOT and the University to discuss the feasibility of and funding options for implementing the safety recommendations discussed in the work group report, including construction of sidewalks/shared paths and a pedestrian bridge or tunnel crossing Fordham Boulevard.


We note that the University Development Plan Modification #3 is scheduled for the Council’s consideration at tonight’s meeting, and several of the Work Group recommendations are incorporated as stipulations in the resolution approving Modification #3.  We believe that it is reasonable to expect the University to implement these improvements based on analysis of traffic impacts associated with the Modification #3 development proposed by the University.

We recommend that the Council adopt the attached resolution.




At its May 22, 2006 meeting, the Town Council approved a process and appointed a Work Group charged to analyze and identify alternatives for improving pedestrian and bicycle access, circulation and safety on Fordham Boulevard between Manning Drive and Old Mason Farm Road. The Town Council also authorized the Manager to contract with Mr. Charlie Zegeer (UNC Highway Safety Research Center) and Dr. Joe Hummer (N.C. State University Transportation Engineering Department) to facilitate Work Group meetings and to assist in the preparation of a report including the findings and recommendations of the Work Group.


After several working meetings, field reviews, and data analyses, the Work Group and facilitators prepared a report describing findings and recommendations intended to improve pedestrian and bicycle access, circulation and safety on Fordham Boulevard between Manning Drive and Old Mason Farm Road. The Work Group presented its report and recommendations to the Town Council at its November 6, 2006, meeting.  Please see Attachment 1 for the report and recommendations from the Work Group.


The Work Group recommendations and the staff review comments are provided below:


Work Group Recommendation #1:  Illumination on Fordham Boulevard at Manning Drive and Old Mason Farm Road Intersections.


Staff Comment:  Because Fordham Boulevard is a US highway, roadway lighting at these intersections must meet the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Standards (AASHTO). Town staff developed preliminary street lighting plans and provided those plans to NCDOT for review and approval.  We have discussed the lighting issues with University staff. We have advised them that we believe the cost of the street lighting improvements at these intersections should be borne by the University because much of the increase in vehicular and pedestrian traffic in this area results from University activities and operations that exist now and will increase with further development of the campus including Modification #3 improvements.  We have included the following stipulation in the University’s Modification #3 application for the Council’s consideration tonight:


Fordham Boulevard/Manning Drive Street Lights:  That within six months of Council approval of the Development Modification No. 3, the University shall provide funding in the amount of $50,000 to the Town of Chapel Hill for installation of street lighting on Fordham Boulevard between Manning Drive and Old Mason Farm Road.


Typically, at the request of the Town, Duke Energy Corporation will install street lights on public streets in Chapel Hill.  The cost for the street lights includes a capital cost for materials and installation and an ongoing monthly charge for operation and maintenance.  The funds from the University would be applied to the capital cost of installation of the street lights and appurtenances.  The Town would be responsible for paying the ongoing monthly charges for operation and maintenance of the lights once they are installed.


Work Group Recommendation #2:  Police control before and after major Smith Center events at the Fordham Boulevard and Manning Drive.


Staff Comment: The State Highway Patrol currently works with the University to provide traffic control on Fordham Boulevard for football games at Kenan Stadium.  This cooperative effort has proven to be effective before and after the games.  We have requested that the University implement similar traffic control measures during other major events on the campus and at the Smith Center in particular. We have included the following stipulation in the University’s Modification #3 application for the Council’s consideration tonight:


Police Traffic Control at the Intersection of Fordham Boulevard and Manning Drive for Special Events:  Effective January 2007, the University must provide police traffic control in place of traffic signal operation at the intersection of Fordham Boulevard and Manning Drive before and after the special events at Smith Center including all games.


Work Group Recommendation #3: Push-button countdown pedestrian signals and marked crosswalks for all four approaches at the Manning Drive and Old Mason Farm Road intersections.


Staff Comment:  We believe that the University should be responsible for the installation of pedestrian traffic signals and crosswalks at the intersection of Fordham Boulevard and Manning Drive because much of the increase in vehicular and pedestrian traffic in this area results from the University activities and operations that exist now and will increase with further development of the campus including Modification #3 improvements. We have included the following stipulation in the University’s Modification #3 application for the Council’s consideration tonight:


Fordham Boulevard/Manning Drive Traffic Signal Upgrade:  Subject to the approval of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, the Fordham Boulevard/Manning Drive signalized intersection shall be upgraded with pedestrian “count down” heads with crosswalks including “stop ahead when flashing beacons” on Fordham Boulevard approaching Manning Drive from the south within 12 months of approval of the Development Plan Modification No. 3 by the Town Council.


Work Group Recommendation #4: “Stop Ahead When Flashing” beacons on Fordham Boulevard approaching Manning Drive from the south.


Staff Comment:   Please see staff comment for #3 above.


Work Group Recommendation #5: Sidewalks or shared-use paths on both sides of Fordham Boulevard.


Staff Comment:  The attached resolution would authorize the Mayor and the Town Manager to meet with NCDOT and the University officials to discuss the feasibility of and funding options for construction of sidewalks and/or shared paths on Fordham Boulevard.


Work Group Recommendation #6: Pedestrian bridge or tunnel across Fordham Boulevard in the study area.


Staff Comment:  The attached resolution would authorize the Mayor and the Town Manager to meet with NCDOT and University officials to discuss the feasibility of and funding options for constructing a pedestrian bridge or tunnel across Fordham Boulevard at a location to be determined in the study area.




We recommend that the Council adopt the attached resolution that would authorize the following actions regarding pedestrian and bicycle access, circulation and safety on Fordham Boulevard between Manning Drive and Old Mason Farm Road:

  1. Forward the Fordham Boulevard Safety Work Group recommendations/report to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the University of North Carolina for review and consideration of possible implementation opportunities.
  2. Authorize the Mayor and Town Manager to meet with officials of the NCDOT and the University to discuss the feasibility of and funding options for implementing the safety recommendations discussed in the work group report, including construction of sidewalks/shared paths and a pedestrian bridge or tunnel crossing Fordham Boulevard.


  1. Report and Recommendations from the Fordham Boulevard Safety Work Group (begin new page 1).