Mayor and Town Council


Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


Potential Task Force for the Town’s Northern Area


March 26, 2007


Tonight, the Council receives a follow-up report regarding the March 7, 2007 work session on the Northern Area. I concur with the staff recommendation for the creation of a task force to further evaluate issues identified at the work session.


I believe that the issues identified at the March 7, 2007 work session are not unique to the northern area of the Town and suggest that if the Council decides to appoint a task force, its findings could be applicable to development envisioned for other locations throughout Chapel Hill including transportation corridors and development opportunity sites. The task force recommendations could be used to inform the current Comprehensive Plan update. 


I believe that appointing existing advisory board members to a Northern Area Task Force will provide a broader community perspective. In addition, because of the potentially wider applicability of the task force recommendations, the Council might consider appointing citizens from outside of the focus area.