Principles of the Planning Board Proposal:

  1. Tree protection regulations apply to all regulated land uses, including existing single-family and two-family residential uses;
  2. Regulations account for variation among tree species, and are particular to our region, climate, and town ecosystems (microclimates?);
  3. Regulations shall include a permitting process for tree removal with financial disincentives for unauthorized tree removal;
  4. There shall be punitive fines for the violation of tree protection regulations;
  5. The Town shall form a Tree Protection Board to hear complaints against the permitting process and imposed fines; and
  6. The revenue stream generated by the Tree Protection Ordinance shall be used for landscaping public property and streetscapes.

Potential Strategies Proposed by the Planning Board:

  1. Define sizes and species of trees to be protected.
  2. Establish areas where trees can be removed, potentially based on a zone around the perimeter of structures. Alternatively, establish a preservation area, potentially based on setback regulations, where trees are to be preserved.
  3. Create a formula to assess the replacement value of trees.
    1. How many trees, what sizes, what species to be planted to replace vegetation removed
    2. How much money in lieu of replacement contributed to a tree fund
  4. Define the rules and the process for removing trees.
    1. Application
    2. Thresholds for requiring staff review
    3. Appeals process
  5. Create exceptions for specific situations.
    1. Hazardous conditions
    2. Emergency tree removal, no permit
    3. Acceptable reasons to remove trees other than hazardous conditions, potentially including forest management, solar access, cluster subdivision, and other reasons
  6. Create a policy for use of and oversight of tree fund monies.