Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager




J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director


Loryn Clark, Housing and Neighborhood Services Coordinator 




Grant Project Ordinance for the 2007-2008 Community Development Entitlement Program




June 27, 2007


The attached budget ordinances would: (1) establish a Community Development Grant Project Ordinance for 2007-2008; and (2) amend the 2005-2006 Project Ordinance to reallocate residual Community Development funds.




On April 23, 2007 the Council approved a plan for the use of $640,308 of Community Development funds for 2007-2008 and authorized submittal of a Consolidated Plan to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.  This amount includes $596,282 of 2007-2008 Community Development Block Grant funds and $44,026 of residual funds from the 2005-2006 Community Development Grant. 


The 2007-2008 Community Development funds will be used for the following activities, as approved by the Council:


1.  Public Housing                                                                               $197,000

Renovation of South Roberson Street            Apts.              $165,000

Refurbishing Program                                                 $ 30,000

Playground Equipment                                               $ 2,000

2.  Orange Community Housing and Land Trust                               $100,000

3. Comprehensive Housing Rehabilitation Program                          $  70,000

4. Neighborhood Revitalization                                                         $ 95,808

5.  Community Services                                                                      $ 59,500

            Chapel Hill Police Department

Youth Employment Program                          $30,000          

Chapel Hill Training Outreach Project/

   Family Resource Center After School Program      $15,000

Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA                                     $14,500

6. Administration                                                                               $118,000

Total                                                                                                    $640,308




That the Council enact the attached ordinances [2007-06-27/O-5a, 2007-06-27/O-5b] to: (1) establish a Community Development Grant Project Ordinance to include the 2007–2008 Community Development grant of $596,282; and (2) to amend the 2005-2006 Community Development Entitlement Grant Project Ordinance to reallocate $44,026 of residual funds.