AGENDA #3a(1)


-----Original Message-----

From: Web Site

Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2007 11:04 PM

To: Manager; Town Council

Cc: [email protected]

Subject: to partition the chapel hill town council


Message sent by [email protected]


I want to partition the chapel hill town council to make changes in there building codes. I would like to see that all pine straw is banded with in 10 feet of all apartments and commercial buildings in the town of chapel hill do to the extreme dry weather we have had the pine straw would not be safe next to the buildings it would just be added fuel if the building where to catch on fire or if the pine straw where to catch on fire it would make the chapel hills fireman's job a lot easier with less fule to feed the fire. I would like to see other means of things used in landscaping IE large pine bark nuggets or any other things tha would be safe and to keep the people of chapel hill in there homes and offices safe. I know raleigh council is thinking of this do to there big fire a few months ago and i know we have had a apartment fire at king woods  thank you so much  and  if this is not the way to do this would you please e amil and let me know how to do it the right way thank you  [email protected]



-----Original Message-----

2nd petition


From: rah988 rah988 [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 11:06 PM

To: Sandy Kline

Subject: petition to chapel hill council


my name is Mr. Ray Harris  i would like to petition the council for a speed hump on booker creek rd  and near fox wood dr aproxley 150 feet ne of fox wood dr there is a large hill on booker creek rd and when you trying  to make a left off fox wood dr you are unable to see the traffic comming over the hill and most of the time the cars are going atleast 35 to 40 mph on booker creek rd and trying to get out of the booker creek town home parking lot across from fox wood you are unable to see the traffic comming over the hill i have lived here for almost 4 years now and i have seen a school bus and car wreck and just the other day 2 cars had a wreck when a car was trying to leave the parking lot of booker creek and i have had many close call myself i believe a speed hump at the top of the hill will slow the cars down on booker creek rd thank you for your time