Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


Lance Norris, Public Works Director

Ken Pennoyer,  Business Management Director


Award of Bid for Street Sweeper


April 28, 2008




The attached resolution would authorize the Town Manager to award a bid to Public Works Equipment and Supply, Inc. in the amount of $157,615, for an Elgin Crosswind J-Plus Street Sweeper.  Funding for this purchase is included in the Vehicle Replacement Fund.




Regenerative air sweeper trucks have been an integral part of Public Works and Drainage operations for many years.  The Town’s two sweeper trucks have kept the curbs and gutters clean and significantly reduced the amount of debris that collects in the drainage system, thus reducing sediments and improving water quality.  Since the purchase of our last sweeper, there have been many advances in the technology associated with these machines, both in how they operate and their effects on the environment.  The new technology on the proposed sweeper would allow for greater efficiency with its ability to remember street slopes and angles, in essence cutting down on engine wear over the life of the machine.  From a maintenance standpoint, the machine has an onboard diagnostic center that allows mechanics to quickly determine where a problem is occurring.




Three companies bid on the sweeper, of which Public Works Equipment and Supply, Inc. was the only fully responsive bidder.  There were several items specified based on importance to and necessity for operations.  Of the equipment included in bids by the three companies, the Elgin Crosswind J-Plus Street Sweeper was the only unit to comply with 100% of specifications.  Other companies’ machines did not fully meet the specifications; therefore, they were considered non-responsive.  Equipment bid by the other two companies failed to meet specifications related to the engine, hopper liner, gutter brooms and electrical wiring.


The lower bids of $154,336 for a Tymco, submitted by Twin States Equipment, and $150,471 for a Schwarze, submitted by Carolina Environmental Systems, Inc., did not meet all the required specifications as noted below. 







In addition to the above failures to meet minimum specifications, the following relative disadvantages for the equipment were discovered by operators during demonstration:







Specifications and bid notices were distributed to three vendors in North Carolina..


The Notice to Bidders was published on the Town’s web site February 27, 2008.  Three bids were received and opened  March 7, 2008.  The bids received were as follows:



Bid  Plus Options Needed



Public Works Equipment and Supply, Inc.

3405 Westwood Industrial Dr., Monroe NC, 28110

$157,615 - no

options needed


Twin State Equipment

P.O. Box 238 Marshville, NC 28103

$142,386+$11,950 = $154,336


Carolina Environmental Systems, Inc.,

2750 HWY 66 South Kernersville, NC 27284

$133,666+$16,805 = $150,471


Public Works Equipment and Supply, Inc., submitted a bid for the Elgin Crosswind J-Plus Street Sweeper that met 100% of the specifications, resulting in the only responsive bid.  Public Works Equipment and Supply, Inc. also can guarantee delivery of the equipment in less than thirty days, rather than 60 – 90 days for the Schwarze.  Twin States failed to specify a delivery time for the Tymco.  The timely delivery of the new sweeper would minimize the potential need to replace a failing power control module at a cost of about $5,000, or the need to take the older sweeper out of service prior to receiving the new unit.  




We recommend that the Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing the Town Manager to award the bid for an Elgin Crosswind J-Plus Street Sweeper from Public Works Equipment and Supply, Inc. for the bid price of $157,615.