Goals Included in the Current Long Range Transportation Plans

For the Triangle Region

(Numbered for ease of reference)

  1. Develop a regional transportation network that improves quality of life and the environment. (Capital Area MPO)
  2. A safe, efficient, attractive, multi-modal transportation system that: supports local land use; accommodates trip-making choices; maintains mobility; protects the environment and neighborhoods; and improves the quality of life for urban area residents. (DCHC MPO)
  3. Provide convenient, safe, reliable and affordable transportation choices, and provide public education on those choices. (Capital Area MPO)
  4. An attractive multi-modal street and highway system that allows people and goods to be moved safely, conveniently, and efficiently. (DCHC MPO)
  5. Enhance connectivity by developing a multi-modal transportation network that promotes economic growth that is compatible with the environment and land use patterns. (Capital Area MPO)
  6. A convenient, accessible, and affordable public transportation system, provided by public and private operators, that enhances mobility and economic development. (DCHC MPO)
  7. Develop an efficient transportation network that is both affordable and reliable for the movement of people and goods. (Capital Area MPO)
  8. A multi-modal transportation system which provides access and mobility to all residents, while protecting the natural environment, cultural resources, and social systems. (DCHC MPO)
  9. A pedestrian and bicycle system that: provides an alternative means of transportation; allows greater access to public transit; and supports recreational opportunities. (DCHC MPO)
  10. A Transportation Plan that is integrated with local land use plans and development policies. (DCHC MPO)
  11. An ongoing program to inform and involve citizens throughout all stages of the development, update, and implementation of the Transportation Plan. (DCHC MPO)


Sources: Capital Area MPO 2030 LRTP, pp 3-5; Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO 2030 LRTP, pp 19-22. Documents available on the CD distributed at May 2 STAC meeting, “Summaries of Studies, Guidelines and Adopted Plans”