From: Kevin Foy

Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 11:20 PM

To: Amy Harvey

Cc: Carlo Robustelli

Subject: FW: Board appointments


Amy -


Please note that I did not take part in the deliberations and therefore have not participated in the recommendations.


Kevin C. Foy

Mayor, Chapel Hill North Carolina

(919) 968-2714


-----Original Message-----

From: Liz Parham

Sent: Fri 5/23/2008 3:25 PM

To: Amy Harvey

Cc: Kevin Foy

Subject: Board appointments


Amy - The Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership board of directors met this morning to interview candidates for board appointments. There were many good choices, but given the workplan and the goals for the upcoming year, the board unanimously voted to recommend two individuals for appointments by the Town Council to our board for the 2008-2009 year.


For the Town Council At-Large appointment, the board recommends appointing Cheryl Lin to serve a three-year term.


For the Town Council Business owner appointment, the board recommends appointing Tommy O'Connell to fill Bronwyn Merritt's unexpired term.


If you have questions, please feel free to contact me.


Sincerely yours,




Elizabeth H. Parham, CMSM

Executive Director

Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership

308 West Rosemary Street,  Suite 202

Chapel Hill, NC  27516

Phone:  919-967-9440

Fax:      919-967-9475

E-mail: [email protected]


Check out CHDP's website: