
to:                  Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager

from:            J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director

                        David Bonk, Long Range Planning and Transportation Manager

                        Len Cone, Go Chapel Hill Active Living by Design Coordinator

subject:       Go Chapel Hill Active Living by Design Annual Report

date:             June 9, 2008


The purpose of this report is to provide the Town Council with an annual review of projects and activities of the Active Living by Design project.  The ALbD Year 4 Annual Report is attached (Attachment 1).


In 2003 the Town received a $200,000 5 year grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to promote active living through programming and physical design.  The grant proposal included the preparation of a mobility assessment for the Northside area, a study of the Timberlyne area, NC 86/MLK Jr. Blvd. corridor, encouragement to students for walking to school and general encouragement of more daily activity for Chapel Hill Citizens.  The 4th year of the grant began November 1, 2006, and ended October 31, 2007.


The Go! Chapel Hill Active Living by Design program is organized into 3 focus areas dealing with schools, neighborhoods, and businesses.  Through community volunteers and partnerships, ongoing efforts are made with the development of opportunity for active living through programming and physical design.  A number of achievements, recognitions and awards also were received through the efforts of Go! Chapel Hill Active Living by Design during the period of November 1, 2006, to October 31, 2007.

Active Routes to School

The Active Routes to Schools program has had success through volunteer parents at Ephesus Elementary, Estes Hills Elementary, Scroggs Elementary, Rashkis Elementary and Phillips Middle School.. Volunteers have worked on or are working on neighborhood assessments identifying unsafe intersections, areas with or without sidewalks and bike lanes as well as other issues that might prohibit safe walking or biking to school.  Parent surveys as well as classroom surveys have identified areas of concern in school walking zones that help in determining better ways to get more students and parents walking to school.  The following active living opportunities were offered through Go! Chapel Hill Active Routes to School:


Active Businesses

The Active Business component of the program has made progress in coordination with the Town’s Transportation Management Plan.  Through Active Businesses’ employers encourage employees, as well as patrons, to add activity to their daily schedules. The following active living opportunities were offered through Go! Chapel Hill Active Businesses:


Active Neighborhoods

The Active Neighborhood component includes the work with the NC 86/MLK Jr. Blvd. Study, the Northside Neighborhood and the Timberlyne Neighborhood.  The following active living opportunities were offered through Go! Chapel Hill Active Neighborhoods:




The Go Chapel Hill Active Living by Design program is in the fifth and final year of the $200,000 5-year grant ending October 31, 2008. Town staff is completing the original proposal details of the grant application. The focus of the final year for the Town’s Active Living by Design Advisory Committee is having a Complete Streets program established within the Town as well as a focus on a Sustainable Community Gardening program.  Staff continues to lend support to the committee.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation offered additional Active Living by Design Sustainability grant funding. The additional funding has been applied for and an announcement is expected regarding the funding in the next month.


  1. Active Living by Design Year 4 Annual Report. (begin new page 1).