
to:                  Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager

from:            J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director

                        David Bonk, Long Range Planning and Transportation Coordinator

                        Len Cone, Active Living by Design Coordinator

subject:       Response to the Complete Streets Petition

date:             June 25, 2008


This memorandum responds to the petition from the Go Chapel Hill Active Living by Design Advisory Committee regarding a Complete Streets Ordinance to be adopted by the Town.


On May 19, 2008, the Go Chapel Hill Active Living by Design Advisory Committee recommended implementation of a Complete Streets program in Chapel Hill and requested that the Town adopt a Complete Streets Ordinance (Attachment 1). Complete Streets is a program designed to allow safe, attractive and comfortable movement for those using all modes of transportation made up of all ages, backgrounds and needs throughout the Town.  The committee members have made presentations to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board, Parks and Recreation Commission, the, the Planning Board, the Historic District Commission, the Community Design Commission as well as the Downtown Partnership (Attachments 2 - 7).  All the advisory groups have recommended the project, with some comments, requesting that this be adopted as a Town Ordinance or policy.  The Go Chapel Hill Active Living by Design Committee is scheduled to present to the Transportation Board and the Greenways Commission in late June requesting endorsements for the Complete Streets program to be developed by the Town. 


Complete streets policies are based on the principle that streets are designed and operated to ensure safe access for all users. Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit patrons of all ages and abilities must be able to safely move along and across complete streets.

The basic elements of complete streets policies include programs that take into consideration sidewalks, crosswalks, lighting, landscaping, bicycle lanes as well as ADA guidelines providing consistency throughout community development.

A complete streets policy could includes many elements such as:


Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board: (Attachment 2) The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board unanimously voted to collaborate with the Go Chapel Hill Active Living by Design Partnership Advisory Committee to seek direction from Town Council on how to proceed with the Complete Streets program.

Parks and Recreation Commission: (Attachment 3)

Planning Board: (Attachment 4) The Planning Board voted unanimously to support the Complete the Streets plan as presented by Go Chapel Hill Active Living by Design Advisory Board.

Historic District Commission: (Attachment 5) Based on the Active Living by Design Advisory Board presentation on the “Complete the Streets” initiative, the Commission voted to endorse the program with the stipulation that its guidelines may need to be modified in the historic districts due to unique characteristics of historic districts

Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership: (Attachment 6) The Board endorsed the program and asked that the Downtown Partnership be included in the review process for when such a program was drafted for Chapel Hill. The Board unanimously felt that Chapel Hill would gain tremendous benefit from design standards that supported pedestrians, bicycles, automobiles, transit, and even scooters and motorcycles in relation to safety, traffic and parking. The Downtown Partnership encourages the Town Council to consider this program for Chapel Hill.

Community Design Commission: (Attachment 7) The Commission voted to recommend that the Council adopt the Complete Streets Ordinance with the strongest ordinance possible and that adoption of an ordinance should be a high priority of the Council.


While the Complete Streets program appears to be consistent with the goals of the Town to promote alternative modes of Transportation by increasing the overall safety of transportation facilities, the program can have far reaching effects on our operations and the cost of doing business for the Town.  Complete Streets requires a multi-disciplinary approach involving the Town’s Planning, Transit, Engineering, Public Works, Parks and Recreation and Public Safety Departments.  This approach is consistent with our focus on cross-departmental and collaborative efforts and requires a collaborative review of the consequences and results by our affected departments.  We recommend that the Manager establish a multi-departmental staff task force to identify the potential consequences and results of a Complete Streets program, develop alternatives for Council consideration and present this information to the Council in the fall so you can make an informed decision about how the Town should approach this effort.


  1. Go Chapel Hill Complete Streets Petition (p. 4).
  2. Recommendation from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (p. 8).
  3. Recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission (to be distributed). (p. 9).
  4. Recommendation from the Planning Board (p. 10).
  5. Recommendation from the Historic District Commission (p. 11).
  6. Recommendation from the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership (p. 12).
  7. Recommendation from the Community Design Commission (p. 13).