Town Seal

Town of Chapel Hill
North Carolina

Executive Summary

Meeting Date: 09-08-2008
Time:                    7:00 PM



Title of Agenda Item: Library Construction Options

Background:  The attached staff memorandum includes background information on three possible construction options for the Chapel Hill Library expansion project.  Information is provided about the different options including their relative costs, their effects on project duration, and their impacts on Library services. 

Staff Recommendation(s)  Options are listed below.  We are pursuing Option A and will direct the project designers to continue with preparation of construction documents.

  1. Option A involves vacating the Library for the estimated 14 month duration of the project.  The Library would operate in a temporary location during the construction.
  2. Option B involves staying in the Library during approximately 7 months of construction before vacating the building for the estimated 11 months needed to complete the project.  The Library would operate in a temporary location during the construction.
  3. Option C involves staying in the building for the estimated 25 month duration of the project. 

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