Updated to 11/14/08



Detailed Target Timeline for Town Review of CN Development Proposal



September 25

Council-Trustee work session (with public comment period):  Presentation and discussion of development review process proposed by staff, Briefing and discussion of legal aspects of development agreements



October 15

Regular Council meeting:  Council discussion of review process

October 22

Council-Trustee work session (with public comment periods):  Discussion of detailed timeline and process for review; issues to be addressed

October 31

University initiates process with written request for consideration new zone, map amendment, and development agreement; submits long-range plan, mid-term and early stage development plans; University submits background ecological studies and draft design guidelines



November 3-14

University data collection on traffic counts for future traffic impact analysis; Town develops RFQ for consultants to conduct CN traffic impact analysis consistent with town guidelines and process

November 10

Regular Council meeting:  Council receives University’s Carolina North request and materials

November 18

Council-Trustee work session (with public comment periods):  Presentation and discussion of University-submitted plans and materials; discussion of process for addressing issues and categorization of issues

November 19

Informational meeting for public and advisory boards (with staff report to Council/Trustees) – (1) Development review process, timing, opportunities for involvement, issues to be addressed; (2) Presentation and discussion of University’s October 31 submittals. {Additional staff updates provided to advisory boards at regularly scheduled meetings December through March.}

November 26

Fiscal impact analysis report submitted by consultant



December 3

Council-Trustee work session (with public comment periods):  Presentations and discussion of fiscal impact and transportation studies; discussion of scale of rezoning and scale of CN project to be addressed in development agreement

December 8

Regular Council meeting:  Long range transportation study submitted by consultant, presented to Council; staff update to Council on adequacy of town staff resources



January 6

Staff proposal for text amendment and initial detailed outline of development agreement (with phase plan and design guidelines), University application for map amendment submitted to Manager

January 12

Regular Council meeting:  Council receives for review proposed:  LUMO text amendment zoning atlas amendment; CN phase plan and design guidelines; detailed outline of development agreement

January 14

Council-Trustee work session (with public comment periods):  Discussion of terms of development agreement

January 29

Informational meeting for public and advisory boards (with staff report to Council/Trustees) – Presentation and discussion of fiscal impact and transportation studies; presentation and discussion of proposed rezoning, text amendment, and development agreement



February 11

Council-Trustee work session  (with public comment periods):  Discussion of terms of development agreement

February 16

Town staff comments to University on submitted plans and proposed development agreement



March 2

Final proposed text/map amendments, plan, and development agreement submitted to manager

March 4

Informational meeting for public and advisory boards (with staff report to Council/Trustees) {if needed, anticipated to focus on specified issues}

March 10

Regular Council meeting:  Council receives proposed ordinance amendments and development agreement; directs initiation of formal review

March 11

Council-Trustee work session (with public comment periods):  Discussion of  terms of development agreement



April 1

Informational meeting for public and advisory boards (with staff report to Council/Trustees): Presentation and discussion of final proposed plans and development agreement

April 1-23

Advisory board meetings at regular meeting schedules

April 21

Planning board regular meeting:  Planning Board discussion of proposed text and map amendments and proposed development agreement

April 22

Council-Trustee work session  (with public comment periods):  Discussion of terms of development agreement



May 5

Planning board regular meeting:  Planning Board recommendation on text/map amendments and development agreement

May 11

Council regular public hearing:  Public hearing on text/map amendments and development agreement

May 21

Council-Trustee work session  (with public comment periods):  Discussion of terms of development agreement



June 8

Regular Council meeting:  Council deliberation

June tba

Additional public information meetings or hearings as needed

June 22

Regular Council meeting:  Council action text/map amendments and development agreement



July 6

If approved, development agreement executed and recorded