City of Chapel Hill, North Carolina Logo TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL


Meeting Date: 11/23/2009

Title of Agenda Item: Areas Under Consideration for Possible Future Annexation (Part A) and Discussion of Areas Under Consideration for Annexation in 2010 (Part B). (R-10)

Background: Each year the Council adopts a resolution areas being considered for annexation  At the same time the Council has also considered a development and infrastructure overview of those areas.  This overview describes recent planning and development activity and indicates whether or not sewer services are present in each of the identified areas, a key consideration with regards to annexation. The Part A memorandum provides an identification of possible annexation areas within the Chapel Hill planning area and Part B provides the aforemenetioned overview of issues related to possible annexation of these areas.

Fiscal Note: If the Town were to pursue annexation of any of the areas identified, a more detailed fiscal impact analysis should be prepared.

Recommendations: That the Council adopt the attached resolution identifying areas for possible annexation.  We do not recommend that the Town initiate any annexations in 2010.

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Consideration of Possible Annexation Part A
Under Consideration for AnnexationPart B