City of Chapel Hill, North Carolina Logo TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL


Meeting Date: 11/23/2009

Title of Agenda Item: Implementation of the Approved Jordan Lake Nutrient Strategy Rules.

Background: This report provides the Council with an update of the approved Jordan Lake Nutrient Strategy Rules and the implementation approach proposed by the Town staff.

Fiscal Note: The future fiscal impacts resulting from the Jordan Lake Nutrient Strategy Rules are not known at this time. The most direct cost will be associated with the requirement for local governments to address nutrient loads from existing development, to include improved stormwater controls. The rules will also require staff time to develop, implement, and enforce additional requirements for new development and riparian buffer protection.

Recommendations: That the Council accept the report describing the implementation of the approved Jordan Nutrient Strategy Rules.

Viewing attachments may require Adobe Acrobat.
Staff Memorandum
History and Rulemaking
Key Issues
Stage 1 Existing Development Guidance
Model Buffer Ordinance
Jordan Lake Implementation Timeline