Reimbursable (Sunk) Costs Incurred by the Town for

Development of a Proposed Stormwater Utility

March 3, 2004



  1. Consultant (Sanborn) Contract

(aerial photography for mapping impervious surface areas)                    $  49,504

  1. Consultant (AMEC) Contract

(preparation of Pro-forma Business Plan)                                              $  15,000

  1. Consultant (AMEC) Contract

(assistance with for NPDES-II Permit Application)                                $    5,000

  1. Consultant (AMEC) Contract

(assistance with Stormwater Utility Development and preparation

 of Pollution Prevention Plan)                                                                $330,000

  1. Postage

(mailing materials to Committee and Advisory Boards)              $       520

  1. Policy Review Committee expenses

(supplies, materials, food and drink)                                                      $       600

  1. Advertising

(ads for public hearings and public forums)                                            $    1,670



TOTAL COSTS INCURRED TO DATE:                                                   $402,294