TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:       Establishment of Chapel Hill Active Living By Design Partnership Advisory Committee


DATE:             May 10, 2004



The purpose of this memorandum is to request that the Council formally establish a Chapel Hill Active Living By Design Partnership Advisory Committee. The attached resolution would establish the Partnership Advisory Committee and define its charge.




In October, 2003 the Town of Chapel Hill was awarded a grant by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Active Living By Design Program, totaling $200,000 over five years. The grant was awarded to the Town to initiate a community-wide program to promote active living within the community. On November 24, 2003, the Council accepted the grant and directed the Manager to implement the program. Attachment 1 provides a summary of the program proposed for Chapel Hill.




The Chapel Hill Active Living By Design proposal included the establishment of a Partnership Committee. This Committee was organized as an ad hoc group during the development of the Active Living By Design Grant proposal. The Committee was composed of representatives from local and statewide public health organizations, and other Chapel Hill community groups. The Committee provided expertise that Town staff did not have, such as public health and marketing experience.


The following organizations have attended meetings of the Partnership Group.



In addition to these organizations several individuals, including University of North Carolina faculty with expertise in public health and planning areas, attended meetings and provided suggestions. Town staff from Planning, Transportation and Parks and Recreation have also participated in the Partnership Group meetings.


The informal nature of the Partnership Group was appropriate during the grant application period. During the ongoing development of the Chapel Hill Active Living By Design program we believe a more formal structure would be appropriate.


Charge of Committee


There are several projects already underway as part of the Town’s Active Living Program.  As these projects are completed it is anticipated that they will propose recommendations for follow-on projects that would require Town Council actions.


We suggest that the Partnership Advisory Committee be charged with providing guidance in the development and implementation of the Town’s Active Living By Design grant and other activities related to encouraging greater physical activity among Town residents. The Committee would also provide the Town Council with recommendations on implementing programs designed to improve physical activity within Chapel Hill and marketing the program within the community. We believe that the Partnership Committee might meet monthly over the next several months and then quarterly after that. We anticipate that the Partnership Committee would organize subcommittees to address specific topics or activities. The subcommittees might decide to meet on a more regular basis to complete their work.


Composition of the Partnership Committee


We propose  the Council establish an Active Living By Design Partnership Committee of no more than 20 members, appointed to represent  organizations with an interest in or expertise in areas related to public health, promoting greater physical activity and better community design, the news media and community groups. We recommend the Partnership Group also include representatives from the public and Town advisory boards. We also recommend that a member of the Town Council be appointed as liaison to the Partnership Committee.


We include below a list of potential organizations that would be appointed on the Partnership Committee and others that could be considered. In most cases we have identified an individual who has participated in previous Partnership meetings. In instances where no individual has been previously identified we have only included only the organization. In all cases we would confirm that the individual identified would continue to service as a member of the Partnership Committee. Several of the organizations have not identified an individual at this time. We recommend that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board, Transportation Board and Parks and Recreation Commission be asked to appoint a member to serve on the Partnership Committee.


Public Health and Community Design



Chapel Hill Community Groups



Town Organizations and Citizens





We proposed that the Council establish the Partnership Group with membership from the various organizations included in the resolution. Most of the organizations proposed for representation already have members participating on the ad hoc Partnership Group. It is anticipated that these organizations would continue to participate. We recommend that the Council appoint a Council member as liaison to the Partnership Committee and ask the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Transportation Board and the Parks and Recreation Commission to appoint a member to the Partnership Committee.


We propose that the Council accept nominations for the citizen members of the Partnership Group until August 15, 2004, and make appointments on September 13, 2004.




We recommend the Town Council adopt the attached resolution establishing the Active Living By Design Partnership Advisory Committee.




  1. November 24, 2003 Council Memorandum (p. 6).




WHEREAS, the Town of Chapel Hill has been awarded an Active Living By Design grant; and


WHEREAS, during the development of the grant application a Partnership Group was organized to assist the Town in the development of a program of projects and activities; and


WHEREAS, an expressed goal of the Active Living By Design grant is the establishment of a formal Partnership Advisory Committee;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council establishes an Active Living By Design Partnership Advisory Committee to provide guidance to the Town as it implements the Active Living By Design program.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the charge and composition of the Partnership Advisory Committee be established as follows:


A.     Charge of the Partnership Advisory Committee:


Provide the Town Council with guidance in the development and implementation of the Town’s Active Living By Design grant and other activities related to encouraging greater physical activity among Town residents. Provide the Town Council with recommendations on implementing programs designed to improve physical activity within Chapel Hill.


B.     Composition of the Partnership Advisory Committee:


o       Meg Molloy, North Carolina Prevention Partners

o       Libby Thomas, University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research

o       Daniel Stafford, Be Active North Carolina

o       Ellen Young, Orange County Department of Public Health

o       Alice Pettitt, Orange County Cooperative Extension Service

o       Virginia Knapp, Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce

o       Casey Saussy, WCHL

o       Mary Lin Truelove, Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public Schools

o       Lisa Stuckey, Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board


o       Representative, North Carolina Smart Growth

o       Representative, North Carolina Department of Public Health

o       Representative, University of North Carolina Wellness Center

o       Representative, Chapel Hill YMCA

o       Member, Chapel Hill Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee

o       Member, Chapel Hill Transportation Board

o       Member, Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Commission

o       Citizens (4)



BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council expresses its intent to advertise for the citizen representatives and make appointments to the Active Living By Design Advisory Committee by September 13, 2004.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council request the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board, Transportation Board and Parks and Recreation Commission designate a member to serve on the Active Living By Design Advisory Committee.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council appoints Council Member ____________ to be liaison to the Committee.


This the 10th day of May, 2004.