
to:Mayor and Town Council

from:W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager

subject:Report on 2004-05 Communications Plan

date:September 12, 2005


The 2004-05 Town of Chapel Hill Communications Plan has served as a guide to administrative action. The plan has provided an overall framework for planning, constructing and managing the wide variety of communications that occur within the Town organization. It addresses audiences, messages, media and evaluation. The goal of Town communications is to provide relevant, accurate and consistent information to the public.

The Town of Chapel Hill hired its first town information officer in April 2004. The goal of this position is to increase awareness, interest and participation by the public in Town government goals and activities. We intend for Chapel Hillians to receive clear and accurate information about any Town program, service or regulation that affects their lives or livelihoods. The information officer will see that Town information is delivered through media that effectively attracts the attention of those who need to know and in language that can be readily understood.

This report will be forwarded to the Council Communications Committee to help review progress and identify goals for the 2005-06 Communications Plan.


In the first year of the Town’s communications program, attention focused on creating systems to support the flow of information. Progress was made toward building resources, including information processes, lists, forms, templates, distribution lists, message boards, production calendars, and graphic libraries.  Some of the items in the start-up year Action Plan begin multi-year objectives while other goals become part of the regular and recurring activities of the Town Information Officer position.

This memorandum reports on those goals that have been accomplished and those which are pending:

1. Set up shop

Evaluate and identify resources

Completed Actions:

- Develop Communication Plan

-  Seek partnerships (internal and external) to maximize resources

- Develop media lists

- Coordinate distribution process for all Town news releases

- Conduct communications audit

- Track communications costs for budget

- Form graphics and image library

- Assist with writing position descriptions and interviewing information specialists at Transit and Stormwater Management programs

Notes: In addition to the above, a Communications Team has been established with membership from all departments. This interdepartmental approach allows the team to draw on various resources and viewpoints. Its mission is to coordinate, focus, and improve communications externally to Chapel Hill citizens. The team discusses challenges and implements strategies for improving communications. Its purpose is to share resources, ideas and expertise.

2.  Improve citizen access to information

Objective: Use print advertising more effectively

Completed Actions:

- Evaluate current advertising expenses and effectiveness

- Improve the visual presentation of newspaper advertisements

- Establish a Town advertising “anchor section” in the newspaper

- Coordinate issuance of notices by departments

Notes: TOWNtalk, a weekly Town advertisement, was launched on July 24, 2005, in The Chapel Hill News. This ad appears each Sunday (and is promoted in the Wednesday newspaper). The advertisement is posted on the web and issued on Fridays to an e-mail subscriber list. In this way, the advertisement serves a dual function as a weekly Town e-newsletter.

Objective: Use Town web site more effectively

Completed Actions:

- Create web page for news releases from all departments

- Reorganize web site for easier access

- Create web pages for Council members

- Begin to reorganize and rewrite specific areas (directory, parking)

Notes: The Town web site was redesigned in July and August 2005, and a new site went live on Aug. 25, 2005. This project reflects the collaboration of CivicPlus, the Information Technology Department and the Town Information Officer.

Objective: Use Cable Channel more effectively

Completed Actions:

- Use billboard notices to announce meetings

- Create a system for evaluating and distributing new content


- Explore opportunities for interview shows

Notes: “Billboards” are static textual and graphic messages that appear on the government access cable channel. These messages now appear at the top of every hour for 10 minutes. Video PSAs for stormwater management and police recruitment also have appeared.

Objective: Enhance Town exposure in media

Completed Actions:

- Write news release highlights and summaries of Council meetings

- Establish a 30-minute pre-meeting interview period for television media, as needed

- Issue other releases as required 

Notes: Media response to Council news release highlights and summaries has been favorable and may be increasing our reach to citizens via broadcast media.

Objective: Create publications to provide information

Completed Actions:

- Update the New Residents Guide to Services

- Publications as needed: stormwater brochure, parking brochure

Notes: The Guide to Services was rewritten and redesigned, and it was offered to residents a June 2005 insert in The Chapel Hill News. A special distribution was made to new Town residents in the annexed areas of Larkspur and Vineyard Square. Additional publication copies are available for distribution throughout the year. Several more publications have been developed, including “The Town Budget,” “Boards and Commissions,” and “Participating in Council Meetings.”


3.      Improve the content of the information


Objective: Report on the goals of the Council


Completed Actions:

- Insert goal statements into news releases reporting actions


Pending Actions:

- Include Council goals in a Media Guide to be developed

- Include letter from the Council in Parks and Recreation guide

- Add goals to the web and update progress periodically

- Issue news releases about Council progress and activities toward attaining goals


Objective: Assist the media in its coverage

Completed Actions:

- Provide portraiture of elected officials and key staff to media

Pending Actions:

- Hold workshop for student reporters from The Daily Tar Heel and classes

- Create media guidebook covering Town government and services

Objective: Tell the larger story

Pending Actions:

- Identify Town stories that require in-depth telling: 4 stories per year; market these to a larger audience

- Explore use of Town website and publications to tell this larger story directly to citizens

Objective: Focus on graphic identity

Completed Actions:

- Seek involvement from Public Arts Commission on new Town logo

- Use traditional seal for official and ceremonial purposes; use more modern and meaningful logo for other business applications

Notes: The Town updated its Town Seal on April 11, 2005. The new seal retains its traditional Athena but has been graphically improved for better print reproduction and visibility. The new image is used as both logo and seal for all applications. A graphic manual is being developed to instruct departments on the use of the updated logo.

Objective: Coordinate messages

Completed Actions:

-          Establish a media message calendar (primarily services)

-          Use themes and goals

Notes: The Town’s quarterly and annual report summaries are now organized around the themes of the Comprehensive Plan. “The Report to Citizens,” which appears in the Parks and Recreation program guide also is organized around these themes.

Pending Action:

- Use web as the “key” for most current information – and ensure that all publications reflect the same language and message.

Notes: New web content is being developed. At its completion, the web will become the first avenue for communication, and all other materials will flow from this “key.”

4. Extend the reach of communications

Objective: Gain exposure in national markets

Pending Actions:

- Develop stories for national markets

- Add key national outlets to media list. With each national story, conduct tailored marketing to other media based on subject matter

Notes: The Town enjoyed tremendous national media attention when the UNC basketball team won the NCAA championship. A news release issued by the Town appeared in publications of the NC League of Municipalities, the National League of Cities and the ICMA journal, Public Management. Still, more opportunities exist toward meeting this objective.

Objective: Find new ways to reach new audiences

Pending Actions:

- Research audiences that are more difficult to reach, such as residents of the Northside and Pine Knolls neighborhoods, and uncover ways to communicate

- Begin a plan for reaching these audiences

Notes: Chapel Hill Transit posters (inside the buses) offer an excellent way to communicate with these audiences. The Communications Team will work together to build a schedule for messages and advertising. Town festivals are a perfect venue for face-to-face interaction to receive input and to inform the citizens of volunteer opportunities, Council activities and more.

5.  Improve internal communications

Objective: Enhance employee access to information

Completed Action:

-          Publish monthly employee newsletter (with summer hiatus)

Note: Ten issues of the newsletter TOWNtalk were printed and posted on the web. Employee response has been positive, and the newsletter will continue.

Objective: Serve as a professional resource

Completed Actions:

- Offer media training and consultation

- Keep department directors abreast of media reports: Town In News

Note: A media training workshop for senior staff was held at the UNC School of Journalism and Communications on Oct. 8, 2004.

6.  Administer agreements between Town and Time Warner Cable, and between Town and The Peoples Channel 

Objective: Administration of Town issues at Time Warner Cable

Completed Actions:

- FCC (Basic Cable) Rate Review – annual

- Time Warner Annual Report – annual

- Time Warner Subscriber Survey – biennial

- Time Warner Franchise agreement

- Time Warner complaints – ongoing

Pending Actions:

- Time Warner Audit

Objective: Administration of Town issues at The Peoples Channel

Completed Actions:

- The Peoples Channel Performance Agreement – triennial

- Hearing on Public Access Fees - annual

1.      Additional accomplishments not listed in 2004-05 Communications Plan

Completed Actions:

- Special Event Planning/Assistance: Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Dedication (May 8, 2005) and public information assistance to residents/business of former Airport Road, Congressman Price announcement of transit grant (Dec. 9, 2004), Arbor Day (Nov. 19, 2004), TOC Groundbreaking (Oct. 29, 2005), GO! Kickoff Event (Sept. 14, 2004), Halloween staffing (Oct. 31, 2004), Special Meetings (various)

- Signage: New signage for Parking Lot 5; currently working with Town Traffic Engineer and Visitors Bureau on new “visitor information” signs

- Assistance to Departments: Flyers, postcards, news releases, answering media inquiries, and consultation.

- Crisis Communications: During inclement weather and emergencies, disseminate critical messages to the media and residents.


The 2004-05 Communications Plan calls for assessment through surveys, news release totals, media coverage content, citizen response, web visitors, listserv subscriber numbers, and communication awards. This analysis is under way. The 2005-06 Communications Plan will reflect this assessment and recommendations from the Council Communications Committee.


- Receive feedback on last year’s goals from Council Communications Committee.

- Gather input for new goals and priorities from the Council Communications Committee.

- Develop 2005-06 Town of Chapel Hill Communications Plan.


1.      2004-05 Town of Chapel Hill Communications Plan (begins new p. 1)