Notice to people with impaired hearing: Interpreter services and/or special equipment are available with five days prior notice.  968-2700/TDD.

Agenda items for review: Agenda items are available online by noon on Friday before a Council meeting.  Citizens may request copies of agenda items in the Town Clerk’s Office at 968-2743 or 682-8636, ext. 2743 or may view them at the Reference Desk in the Chapel Hill Public Library (100 Library Drive).

 Chapel Hill Town Council Agenda

Wednesday, April 4, 2001

4:00-6:00 p.m.           Town Council Budget Work Session


                                            Agenda Item



General Budget Issues

a.       Status of Developing the 2001-2002 Budget Proposal (previously distributed).

b.      Status of Developing the 2001-2016 Capital Improvements Program (previously distributed).



Public Works Issues

a.       Curbside Implementation Report.

b.      Discussion of Options for Yard Waste Collection.

c.       Possible Change in Commercial Garbage Collection Policy.

d.      Report on Potential Garbage Collection in Southern Village.

e.       Report on Schedule of Renovations for Hargraves Center and A.D. Clark Pool and Bath House.



Human Resources Issues

  1. Comparison of Town Benefits to Those of Area Employers.
  2. Information About Council Member Salaries and Benefits.


Transportation Issues

a.       Discussion of Transit Options.



Finance Issues

  1. 10-Year Trend Data (1992-93 to estimated 2001-2002).
  2. Financing Authority for Local Governments in North Carolina.
  3. Budget Spreadsheets on General Fund Preliminary Revenue and Expenditure Estimates.