MARCH 26, 2003




Members Present:  Than Austin, Felix Bloch, Maggie Burnett, Jeff Clark, Amy Edwards, Lisa Edwards, Amy Harvey, Chelsea Laws, Leanne Mikels, Mona Nazir, Iris Schwintzer, Kelly Stokes, Susie Whaley, Mary Jean Williams


Members Absent:  Ann Brown, Brigid Cox, Bernard Leach, George Long, David Sasser, Deborah Squires, Traval Watkins, Rodney Watson


Ex-officio members present:  Annissa Graham-Davis, Pam Eastwood


v     The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed, corrections noted and accepted.


v     No new items were added to the agenda.


v     A question was raised regarding a deadline for HR providing information on employee relations improvements made by other municipalities or companies.  (This was not addressed at the time.)


v     Discussion of categorizing the issues and goals began.  The group had several issues in multiple categories and decided that it would be more practical to try and have them in one.  We arrived at 5 general categories:



Communication/Employee Relations




Town Policies


The issues and goals were categorized as follows:

Communication/Employee Relations

#1- Look for ways to improve communication at all levels. Begin by asking employees for input.

#3- Think about an array of ways of recognizing the value of each person and each job within the Town.

#5- Seek out ways of reducing differences in perception between Town departments and erasing attitudes of superiority, to work toward a more team-oriented culture.

#9- Look at reasons why people leave, with focus on pay and reasons other than pay.

#13- Study the current performance evaluation process for improvement and assurance of equal treatment by supervisors.

#14Seek out ways to increase involvement and communications between council members and employees, for greater mutual understanding.

#15Seek out ways to provide open communication at all levels without retaliation throughout the Town.

#18- Make communication a top priority.

#19- Decide how the Employee Forum will communicate our mission/purpose, and progress to all town employees.

#20- Making an “open door policy” a reality.

#21- Hold department or division retreats to increase team building and to air issues.

#22- Specific departments that may benefit from work force sensitivity training.



#2- Look for ways to improve and expand Promotional opportunity/career development for Town employees.

#7- Consider ways to address staffing levels needed in each Town department.

#8- Study methods to assure that best qualified people are hired and promoted.

#12- Ask Human Resources to find ways to improve the timeliness of the hiring process.



#11- Encourage more “lunch and learn” sessions and other options which will make learning available to all employees regardless of work schedule or shift.

#17- Re-establish Spanish classes for employees.

#23- A pro-active approach to improving employee health and finances.



#6- Consider ways to help Town employees live in Town, use the Transit system and other services.

#10- Find ways to help employees understand their benefits programs and how to use them – Look for improvements which can be made in the benefits programs.

#16- Study ways to provide discounts for Town employees for use of Town Services.

#23- A pro-active approach to improving employee health and finances

#24- Replacement of the Wellness/Health Occupations person


Town Policies

#4-Work on ways to clarify rules and policies in each department (and to assure their consistency with Town policies) and share this information with employees.

(It was proposed that, with regard to this issue, HR would pull together information and have it to the EF by 7/1/03.)


·         Amy Harvey discussed the results of her survey regarding the best day and time for the EF to meet.   From the responses she had to date the optimal times and days were as follows:

Monday- after 11:00

Tuesday- 1:00-2:30

Wednesday- not a good time entire day

Thursday- 12:00-3:00, except 3rd Thursday

Friday- 10:30-2:30  1st and 3rd Friday

            Before 2:30  2nd and 4th Friday

Amy also requested that this be the first item on the agenda at the next meeting.

·         Felix Bloch asked that members think about which subcommittee they would like to work on and he proposed that the issues within each category be prioritized and that we form subcommittees at the next meeting.

·         Susie Whaley asked if it would be a good idea to send out a reminder of the EF meeting and there was a request to do so and that it be sent the day before.

·         Felix Bloch expressed his appreciation for those present at the meeting and his disappointment that everyone was not in attendance.

·         Felix Bloch mentioned if people are unavailable to attend the next meeting to let the secretary (Susie Whaley) know if they have a preference (two choices) as to which Issues and Goals subcommittee they would like to serve on.


Next meeting will be held Thursday, April 10th at the Library meeting room at 9:00.


Proposed agenda items for the next meeting:

v     Decide on best time and day to meet

v     Prioritize issues in each category

v     Discuss which Issues and Goals subcommittee members would like to serve on

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Last updated: 06/03/03.