Employee Forum Minutes

April 10, 2003

Library Meeting Room


Members Present:   Than Austin, Felix Bloch, Maggie Brown, Maggie Burnett, Jeff Clark, Brigid Cox, Lisa Edwards, Bernard Leach, George Long, Leanne Mikels, Mona Nazir, Kelly Stokes, Deborah Squires, Traval Watkins, Rodney Watson, Susie Whaley, Mary Jean Williams


Members Absent:   Amy Edwards, Amy Harvey, Chelsea Laws, David Sasser, Iris Schwintzer


Ex-officio members present:  Lindsay Wallace


·         Minutes of the 3/26/03 meeting were approved

·         Lindsay Wallace provided copies of the NC State Staff Senate Bylaws and the UNC Employee Forum Guidelines

·         Felix Bloch requested that discussion of the day/time we meet be moved to the end of the meeting

·         Lindsay Wallace, in response to a question asking for clarification of what Pam Eastwood had said at a previous meeting, stated that the EF should concentrate on developing ways to address the issues which had been and may continue to be developed rather than attempting to provide measures.  The EF should look to the Town Manager to endorse such proposals which would then be implemented by Human Resources.  In discussion following EF members agreed with this approach

·         Felix Bloch made several suggestions for organizing the “working groups”.  After discussion EF members agreed to divide into 5 work groups (WG’s) previously identified as follows:

I.                     Communication/ Employee Relations-  Mary Jean Williams (group leader), Traval Watkins, Mona Nazir, David Sasser, Susie Whaley, Jeff Clark

II.                   Promotion/Hiring-   Leanne Mikels (group leader), Rodney Watson, Felix Bloch

III.                  Education/Training-   Deborah Squires (group leader), Amy Harvey

IV.                Benefits-   Than Austin (group leader), Bernard Leach, Kelly Stokes, Brigid Cox

V.                  Town Polices- Maggie Burnett (group leader), George Long, Lisa Edwards, Maggie Brown


v     With regards to absent EF members that did not express their WG preference, Felix Bloch will contact Iris Schwintzer and Amy Edwards; Susie Whaley will contact Chelsea Laws

v     It was decided  that our meetings would go to two hours in duration, once per month on the 2nd Thursday of the month (beginning in May)and that WG’s would meet after a short business meeting at the regular April 24th  meeting and that we would come back together as a group to give a brief overview of discussion in work groups

v     Susie Whaley requested that each work group submit a brief synopsis of their progress for the minutes

v     It was suggested we rotate setting up the meeting room at the library instead of putting the responsibility on HR.  It was also suggested that we could meet at other department meeting rooms that are already set up. Members chose months to host the meeting and will firm up the meeting location.  The hosting department representative(s) will provide refreshments beginning with the new fiscal year in July with funding through HR.

v     WG’s met briefly and chose a spokesperson (noted above).


Meeting Hosts are as follows:

May- Police

June- Public Works

July- Transportation

August- Housing

September- Parks and Recreation

October- Human Resources

            November- Fire

            December- Engineering


Next meeting will be on Thursday, April 24th at the Library at 9:00a.m.


Proposed agenda items:

v     Discussion of work groups progress


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Last updated: 06/03/03.