Meeting Minutes -List of Topics to Discuss with the Manager

September 10, 2003, 10:00 am to 11:30 am


Attendance: Felix Bloch, Maggie Brown, Lisa Edwards, Terry Gearheart, Amy Harvey, Cal Horton, Chelsea Laws, Iris Schwintzer, Deborah Squires, Traval Watkins, and Mary Jean Williams.


·        Deborah presented the request for Spanish instruction-

o       Difficulty in meeting the public

o       Network of employees that have Spanish background

§         The Town needs to have a list of employees with Spanish background and their availability

§         Finance-Jim able to translate

o       have done Spanish classes in past in different depts.

§         Felix-great need in transit

o       Transit working on getting Spanish on phone, signs, published documents in Spanish – same in Police Dept

o       Need to figure out town-wide approach

§         Have some info available to present to someone

§         Have basic skills to point to proficient person

o       Cal work on ideas and find funding and come back to EF

§         Felix- ask for evening classes, and availability of spouse attendance.


·        Need for diversity training

o       Diversity valuable to Town of Chapel Hill-may need to have someone come show us how to see the diversity (value), similar to work done with Henry McCoy- with focus on EF reps to be able to get info out

§         How show commitment to diversity

§         Diversity training- needs to be continued instead of starting at the beginning every time- need a progressive approach

§         EF need to make a more specific request- develop options- part of regular work


·        Deborah presented the request for an AFLAC representative

o       Pam is in the process of starting work, postponed due to work load

o       Cal talk to Pam- get person in to talk to EF


·        Deborah presented the request for continued Lunch and Learn series

o       CIGNA classes

o       Can be built into HR workload

o       Need to think about schedules – Fire, Police, Transit, all have schedules typically different than the normal 8 am to 5 pm

o       401K transition from BB&T to Prudential- and financial info in general

§         Flexible spending

§         Employee orientations/ other specific times

§         Transit – may not understand why info important, time is a major issue, lot of these things need to be progressive learning

§         Like EAD- Department Heads need to be on board to push the ideas and give time, etc.

o       EF Educ. Work Group flush out areas worth considering and suggest times


·        Deborah presented the request for a return of a Town Health fair

o       It is difficult for many employees to get to booths and EAD activities

o       Do at site other than Town Hall- did it at Hargraves-find a place that will allow for parking, availability, etc.

o       Ask Pam to work on and get back to us.


·        Cal would appreciate feedback on CIGNA- let Pam/Camellia know so they can work on improving service. – has it improved in the last year?

o       Felix-related an eye exam experience-his new card not available at time of service- he worked with HR to resolve

o       Mary Jean-related a billing error that took 8 months-she thought that they had a lot of turnover which was why customer service dropped

o       Will we consider different insurance companies? Nationwide trend is such that insurance companies are dividing up the area which limits the number of choices.


·        Will the Town be rehiring a wellness person? No

o       Got behind with legal responsibilities with OSHA

§         higher injury rate,

§         not filing forms

o       Still need to focus on safety and training

o       Later hope to do wellness activities

§         Sitting long periods –need to be addressed by safety officer

§         Working on filling the position

o       Is there an exercise room expected at the new TOC? At this present time the transit plans reflect exercise equipment still in.

§         Council challenged staff to lower total cost of TOC project

§         Transit 90 % funded- 80% federal funds, 10 % State funds, may be available

§         But no fed or State funds for Public Works part of the TOC project

§         Will let Council know consequences of cuts

o       Nov 4 bond referendum planned for- Library expansion, sidewalks, open space, greenways, and traffic signal improvements.

o       May also try to do Certificates of Participation-which do not have to have a vote, but still have to be paid.

o       Town employees can not participate in bond process on “Town time”

§         Can not use town resources

§         Can give your opinion-but can not wear buttons, etc.


·        Departments need to have staff meetings

o       Cal talked to Department Heads to ask them try to have dept meetings or continue if it is being done currently

o       Cal will do more if needed

o       Transit-has started to put into place plan of meeting with different levels of staff


·        Results of Hiring process survey

o       Sent questionnaire-Transit, Fire maybe Police Dept

§         Minimal response because of lack of results seen from doing surveys

§         People are not sure what the steps are and the time frame of the process

o       HR revamping process-getting ready to put in writing- get the Dept Head to review, then open review to all employees- purpose to speed up process

o       EF to work with Pam to expand on ideas of what is needed to improve process

§         Promised full-time positions-but typically not happen

·        Typically start as contract employee, then move to part-time position, then move to full-time positions

§         In past have used oral communications, which has lead to erroneous perceptions of expectations

·        Cal-talked to employee in that particular example-they fairly received info-but need to be carefully relay info

o       Now working on written materials and a check list that people can receive and sign-off on to know that the expectations are clear on both sides


·        Need for Staff Support

o       Will need from HR-for election process

§         Cal say we get full support

o       Mona has setup webpage to aide in communication

o       Need place for EF located so that we have a presence- a place that we can work out of and employees can contact us.

§         Limited access to phone, computer to be able to do work, getting communications

§         Cal to find space possibly in HR dept.-will think about how to work on this idea.

o       IT working on speed of internet and added computer to transit


·        Attendance-recruitment

o       Long vacancy in Library and Fire Departments – now found

o       Hope that election procedure will improve problems of vacancies

o       Reasonable to ask intention of EF member if absences are many- may need to find a replacement

·        Employee Appreciation

o       Long term employees are leaving/retiring-

§         trying to find additional ways to show appreciation-

§         ways to keep new employees

o       Disparity across the depts.- will come up with request (working on morale)

·        HR-Question how treated on the job.  Who to talk to? Perception that the resource is not available.

o       who is employee advocate?

§         Anissa is this person. go to Pam until she is back, then if that doesn’t answer the question then seek assistance from Sonna, Flo or Cal

§         HR department is starting to get reorganized and able to run more smoothly

·        Sonna is leaving in December to go to school to teach English as a Second language to Spanish students (could be a future resource)

·        Cal said thank you for your hard work in the EF

o       EF is having an impact-

o       Will continue to make more things happen as time goes on.


Meeting Summary

  • Request Proposal for Spanish Instruction – Presented, Cal to follow-up
  • Request Proposal for AFLAC representative -- Presented, Cal to follow-up with Pam
  • Request Proposal for Lunch and Learn Program – EF Educ WG to revise and resubmit
  • Request Proposal for Health Fair -- Presented, Cal to follow-up with Pam
  • Develop a Comprehensive Employee Wellness Program – Not specifically addressed
  • Do we know if the wellness person will be replaced? – No, Need to have OSHA person at this time, but may be able to facilitate some of the activities thru other programs
  • Request Follow-up – presented in bold/italics
  • Departments need to have staff meetings – Cal has relayed to Dept Heads, and will continue to remind on a regular basis
  • Results of Hiring Process Survey – Cal will continue to work with Pam, EF to relay thoughts to Pam
  • Need for Staff Support –Cal to try to find a space for a CPU
  • Attendance –recruitment – HR to help with election process, EF to follow-up w/members that are frequently absent and replace as necessary, Cal to help as necessary
  • Employee Appreciation – EF Comm WG to work on request
  • HR-Question how treated on the job. Who to talk to? Perception that the resource is not available – Anissa is the person to talk to when she gets back, Pam is person to talk to until Anissa returns, if no resolution, then talk to Sonna, Flo, or Cal
  • Need Diversity Training- Including Spanish – Cal to follow-up
  • Feedback on CIGNA Insurance – Information item