Employee Forum Minutes

May 13, 2004

Library Meeting Room

1st Floor Library


Member Present: Than Austin, Jon Bell, Felix Block, Ann Brown, Charles Bynum, Lisa Edwards, Amy Harvey, Dorice Johnson, Mona Nazir, Willie Quick, Norman Clark, Iris Schwintzer, Kelly Stokes, Deborah Squires, Jackie Thompson, Traval Watkins, Susie Whaley, Mary Jean Williams


Members Absent: Maggie Burnett, Chris Blue, Chelsea Laws, Wes Tilghman


Ex-offico Members Present: Thomas Cummings, Danny Lloyd


Guest Presenters: Anissa Graham-Davis, Camelia Brooks-Brooks, Catherine Lazorko


•The minutes from the April 8, 2004 meeting were approved.

•Items for today’s meeting were approved.

• Amy Harvey reported from the Wednesday, May 12, 2004 Budget Public Forum and offered a brief overview of the meeting.  At this meeting the public comments were accepted.  Maggie Burnett presented a superb letter to the board on behalf of the employees (see attachments). Amy covered highlights from this. Cal requested a 4.3 cent tax increase of the base budget which includes a 4% increase in pay for Employees below job rate and an average 4% merit increase for those over job rate. Refer to the Town’s website for the Recommended Budget and related Budget memos – http://www.townofchapelhill.org/ . The OC Special Olympics had a large group present to support their request for a full time position. The Fire Department was also there to support their request for an increase in personal to assist with minimal staffing.

The budget will be adopted on June 14, 2004.  The next work session for the budget will be May 19, 2004, and then again on May 24, 2004.  This session will not be open for public comment.  It was suggested that the Forum draft a letter to submit as a petition to the Council at the May 24 meeting. The petition would convey the position of the Forum concerning the budget.  Than, Mary Jean, and Felix and Lisa will meet and draft the petition to go in the packet for the Council members on May 19.  Than motioned that the Forum support the Manager’s budget and present our support in the petition to Council, motion passed.  Through a discussion of emails the letter was drafted and presented at the May 19, 2004, work session.

•Anissa Graham-Davis and Camelia Brooks-Brooks from HR were present to review with the Forum a Benefits Summary.  The following is a list of the current benefits:

Health Care Plan

Life AD&D Insurance

Local Gov. Retirement system


457 Plan

Longevity Pay

Employee Assistance Program


Educational Assistance

Voluntary Disability Insurance

Flex Spending (Cafeteria plan)

Voluntary Supplemental Insurance

Voluntary Dental Insurance

Anissa and Camelia went over each benefit briefly and the criteria for employee participate.  They also encouraged the Forum members to have their co-workers come to HR if they have any questions concerning any of these benefits.

Network location of documents discussed:

  1. Summary Explanation Revised is the Benefits Summary (457 needs to be added and the Tuition Reimb. Summary will be added)

            \\chfs\hr\General\Benefits\Summary-Explanation revised May 12 2004.xls

  1. Tuition Reimbursement form

            \\chfs\hr\General\Forms\Tuition Assistance Form.doc

  1. Tuition Reimbursement Policy

            \\chfs\hr\General\Policy Manual\Policy Manual\Final Policy Documents-Approved\7-2 tuition reimbursement.doc

•Catherine Lazorko, the Town’s Information Officer was also present to speak to the Forum on ideas they would like to see in the Town Newsletter.  She gave a brief overview of her background and experience in dealing with Town Government.  The Forum stressed that we would like to see the newsletter start up again.  It has been about a year since the last newsletter.  We would like to have a corner in the newsletter to post the Forum’s information.  Other areas that were discussed to include were: Employee of the Month, Department of the month, compliments to the Manager concerning Employees and a memo from the Manager, were a few suggestions. We asked that the newsletter be available in both hard copy and on the internet.  Catherine will inform us of the start-up date of the newsletter and what she will need as far as information from each department.  The newsletter would also be a way for the Employees to be aware of what the Town is doing as far as new projects and achievements.

•Work Groups did not meet due to time; however Mona did have 2 topics to report back to the Forum.

•New parking signs have been placed in several areas in the parking deck for Council members. These signs are used on an “as needed” basis.  This is to assure the Council members that they will have a place to park for afternoon meetings and early evening meetings.  The employees will be asked to move their vehicles if they are in a spot that is set aside for Council members on these occasions.  The signs are magnetic and can be put up and taken down as needed.

•Mona also reported back on the Dell’s computer Employee Purchase program.  Dell is offering 10% off a new system if you work for a government agency.  When you order the computer from Dell you need to inform them that you are a local government employee.  See attachment for information on how to order a computer from Dell.

Traval asked if it were possible to purchase from the Town the “old computers” when they were upgraded from the different departments, instead of these computers going to auction. Mona said she would check with her supervisor and get back to the group.

•Lisa reminded the Forum that we were to come up with a list of areas of interest as far as Supplemental insurance is concerned.  The members need to email to Lisa a list of subjects that co-workers would possibly be interested in having as Supplemental insurance.

•Lisa also asked that each member submit their departmental policy on cell phones and their use.  This information will be passed onto the Policy Work Group.