Inaugural Meeting

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Working Groups

The Employee Forum was convened by Human Resources for its inaugural meeting on February 5, 2003.

Town Manager Cal Horton, referring to the Forum’s genesis in a 2001 work environment assessment, launched the group on its mission, encouraging it to be guided by the Town’s philosophy of "treating people with dignity and respect" and "providing fair, effective, efficient and fast public service."

In the quarter year that has passed, in some half dozen meetings, the Forum has gotten itself organized, elected officers (Felix Bloch - Chair, Amy Harvey - Vice-Chair, Susie Whaley - Secretary/Treasurer), identified issues for study, and established working groups. The working groups are as follows:

I. Communication/Employee Relations

II. Promotion/Hiring

III. Education/Training

IV. Benefits

V. Town Policies,

all with a view to achieve the Forum’s stated objectives. The objectives are:


Identifying ways to recognize individual worth and uniqueness of each employee;


Identifying ways for the Town to value diversity;


Identifying ways for all employees to provide input to the Town administration and provide a forum for that communication;


Encouraging a sense of community among all Town employees;


Assisting in the communication of issues and activities affecting employees.

Forum members believe they have taken initial steps to address many of the issues which confront Town employees on the job and in their lives. Indeed, our work together has encouraged a sense of community among us. Now we need to broaden that sense of community. Much more remains to be done to achieve the other objectives listed above.

All Town employees are encouraged to follow Forum activities and respond to requests for information and feedback. Minutes of Forum meetings are being posted in all departments and on this webpage. We plan to survey Town employees on various matters in the near future; we urge you to respond. Finally, please seek out any Forum member to communicate matters of importance to you.

Remember, we are here to work with you and for employees of the Town of Chapel Hill. Together we can make this an even better and more rewarding place to work. For a list of Forum members, their titles, and Working Group assignments click here. For Forum member telephone numbers and email addresses click here.

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Last updated: 07/20/05.