List and status of unfunded projects remaining from the approved 2004-2005 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION PLAN MASTERLIST (Approved 01/24/05)

Total Cost $645,000


1.      Town-Maintained Streets:

4.  East Rosemary Street (north side) 157 E. Rosemary Street to Henderson Street (Bub O’Malleys and corner parking lot).

Comment: This sidewalk is located in a local historic district and adjacent a national register historic district. It has an existing Chapel Hill gravel sidewalk. Typically the Historic District Commission would consider this proposal for its appropriateness in the historic district. There is also sidewalk on Henderson Street in this location (missing 50 feet).

Status: Recommend No Action 2005-2006 Pending Wallace Deck Development.

8.  West Rosemary Street, north side, west of Church Street

Comment: An easement is required. The Council has previously indicated that completing Rosemary Street is a high priority.

Status: Recommend No Action 2005-2006 Pending Streetscape Master Plan Review


9.  West Rosemary Street, north side, east of Church Street

Comment: In the past, property owners have not agreed to provide an easement. The Council has previously indicated that completing Rosemary Street is a high priority. Eligible for Community Development funds.

Status: Property owner is considering improvements. Recommend No Action 2005-2006 Pending Streetscape Master Plan Review


10.  West Rosemary Street, north side, east of intersection with Mitchell Lane. (Tate’s Yard)


Comment: An easement is required. The Council has previously indicated that completing Rosemary Street is a high priority.

Status: Recommend No Action 2005-2006 Pending Streetscape Master Plan Review

13.  Prestwick Road, north side at rear of shopping center

Comment: Provide link to Glenwood Elem. School through shopping center. An easement is required.

Status: Requires easement and Special Use Permit modification, center attorneys are not encouraging to take on liability. Recommend No Action 2005-2006.


14.  Cameron Avenue, north side, northeast corner at Merritt Mill Road

Comment: The University has constructed a parking lot in this location. Project would extend existing sidewalk to Merritt Mill Road. Well used by pedestrians

Status: Recommend include in 2005-2006 Construction Plan.

18.  West University Drive, south side from Ransom Street to Westwood Drive

Comment: The project is partially located in an historic district, and partially abuts an historic district. Typically the Historic District Commission would consider this proposal for its appropriateness in the historic district. Construction would impact existing trees and may require retaining walls. Expensive project for what is primarily a neighborhood location.

Status: Recommend No Action 2005-2006.  

19.  Hamilton Road, east side from Cleland Drive to Flemington Road

Comment: Provides connection to existing off-road path which runs parallel to Fordham Boulevard and connects Cleland Drive with Estes Drive.  Running parallel to the Rainbow Soccer fields, we do not believe this section of the street is location is unsafe for pedestrians.

Status: Recommend No Action 2005-2006.


20.  Flemington Road, Hamilton Road to Hayes Road

Comment: Primarily a neighborhood location.

Status: Recommend No Action 2005-2006.


21.  North Street, north or south side, Martin Luther King Jr.Boulevard to Henderson Street

Comment: Intersection of North Street and Henderson Street is located in a historic district. Typically the Historic District Commission would consider this proposal for its appropriateness in the historic district. The project would impact on front yards and trees. Easements will be required and construction of retaining walls. Heavily used by pedestrians. Unit cost estimate is conservative.

Status: Recommend include in 2005-2006 Construction Plan.


22.  Piney Mountain Road, north side, Forest Creek Drive to Priestly Circle Drive

Comment: There is an existing sidewalk on south side of street. A sidewalk here may impact existing trees. Will require replacing a swale section with curb and gutter.

Status: Recommend No Action 2005-2006.


23.  Umstead Drive, south side, Village Drive to Estes Drive extension.

Status: Under Review.

Comment: Route runs parallel to proposed Bolin Creek Greenway, few constraints good strategic link to Estes Drive extension.

Status: Recommend include in 2005-2006 Construction Plan.

2.      State-Maintained Streets

2.  Fordham Boulevard, west side from Ephesus Church Road to Elliot Road

Comment: This sidewalk would link neighborhoods to the Eastgate Shopping Center, Village Plaza and the Booker Creek Greenway.

Status: No new Surface Transportation Direct Allocation funds until after October 2007. Recommend No Action 2005-2006.


7.  NC 54, south side west of intersection with Finley Golf Course Road

Comment: This sidewalk would complete a short missing link in otherwise continuous facility to connect the existing sidewalk along NC Highway 54 to the shopping center and the existing off-road path to Meadowmont and the Friday Center. Town has received proposal to redevelop adjacent University of North Carolina property require this improvement as a development stipulation.

Status: Recommend No Action 2005-2006.