AGENDA #3a(1)


From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 12:01 PM
To: All Clerk
Subject: Parking on Whitehead Rd / Whitehead Circle


Ladies and Gentlemen:


As the property owner of 1300 Mason Farm Road (on the corner of Mason Farm Road and Whitehead Road), I would like to officially request that the current No Parking Zone on the right side of Whitehead Rd be expanded to both sides of Whitehead Road at all times.  The current No Parking Zone is limited to only Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM.


We are seeing a substantial amount of parking associated with athletic events at the University that limits emergency vehicle access to the neighborhood.  Despite repeated requests, the University seems unable or unwilling to limit event parking in this area.  In addition, parking on the unimproved shoulder on Whitehead is damaging private property (in excess of the Right of Way) as cars attempt to get far enough off the street.


I would also like to request that the south side of Mason Farm Road also be No Parking at all times.  With the construction of the University Family Housing on the north side of Mason Farm Road, the north side is already designated as No Parking.  This has created situations where cars are now parking on the unimproved shoulder on the south side.


Please let me know the process to officially submit this request.


Thank you for your assistance.


Brian K. Payne

1300 Mason Farm Road

Chapel Hill, NC  27514