TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: Sabrina M. Oliver, Town Clerk
SUBJECT: Nominations to Various Boards and Committees
DATE: January 9, 2006
Tonight, the Council may make nominations to fill vacancies on the Bicycle and
Pedestrian Advisory Board, Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission, Historic
District Commission, Horace Williams Citizens Committee, Inclusionary Zoning
Task Force, Million Solar Roofs Initiative, and Orange County Air Quality
Advisory Committee. Adoption of the attached resolution would nominate the
current applicants.
Appointments to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board, Horace Williams Citizens Committee, Inclusionary Zoning Task Force and Orange County Air Quality Advisory Committee are scheduled for tonight.
Appointments to the Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission, Historic District Commission, and Million Solar Roofs Initiative are scheduled for January 23.
Copies of the applications are attached.
WHEREAS, the applications for service on an advisory board or commission or other committees listed below have been received; and
WHEREAS, the applicants have been determined by the Town Clerk to be eligible to serve;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the following names are placed in nomination to serve on an advisory board or commission:
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board
Douglas Wilson
Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission
Charles Hochman
Historic District Commission
Bill Green
Horace Williams Citizens Committee
Lawrence Daquioag
Will Raymond
Inclusionary Zoning Task Force
Delores Bailey
Sarah Donahue
Thomas Kelly
Rick Robinson
Larry T. Short
Million Solar Roofs Initiative
Andreas Hay
H. Thomas Miller
Mark Simon
Orange County Air Quality Advisory Committee
Bryn Smith
This the 9th day of January, 2006.