TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Response to Citizen Petition: Crosswalks and Transit Service Along Weaver Dairy Extension
DATE: January 9, 2006
This memorandum responds to a citizen petition requesting extension of transit service and provision of pedestrian crosswalks along Weaver Dairy Extension. We propose to construct a high visibility crosswalk along the Weaver Dairy Road Extension and refer the request for additional transit services to the Transportation Board.
On November 9, 2005, Ms. Amy Chute submitted a petition to the Town Council. (Attachment 1) The petition requested Council consideration of providing public transit service along Weaver Dairy Road Extension, serving the Vineyard Square and Larkspur neighborhoods. The petition also requested construction of a crosswalk across the Weaver Dairy Road Extension between Rowe Road and Old Larkspur Way.
High Visibility Crosswalk on Weaver Dairy Road Extension at Old Larkspur Way/Rowe Road:
Weaver Dairy Road Extension is a Town maintained street with curb and gutter on both sides of the street and a posted speed limit of 25 mph. A sidewalk exists on the east side of Weaver Dairy Road Extension, at its intersection with Old Larkspur Way/Rowe Road. Weaver Dairy Road Extension is a multi-lane road with bicycle lanes on both sides. Please see the area map provided in Attachment 2.
Staff from the Town Engineering Department conducted field investigations and noted pedestrian activity at and near the subject intersection. Based on our observations of the site conditions and pedestrian activity, we think that a high visibility crosswalk on Weaver Dairy Road Extension at its intersection with Old Larkspur Way/Rowe Road would improve conditions for pedestrians attempting to cross Weaver Dairy Road Extension, and would alert drivers to expect pedestrian activity in and around this intersection.
Unless otherwise directed, we will have the necessary pavement markings and signs installed to establish a high visibility pedestrian crosswalk on Weaver Dairy Road Extension at this intersection. We would expect to complete the work by the end of February this year, depending on weather conditions.
We contacted Ms. Chute and she is in agreement with our proposal to install the crosswalk as described above.
The 2003 Sidewalk and Street Improvements Bonds include $650,000 for neighborhood, pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements including installation of traffic calming measures, signing, lighting, and pedestrian/bicycle safety improvements. The Council issued $300,000 of the bonds in FY 2004-05 of which approximately $32,000 has been spent to date. Unless otherwise directed by the Council, we plan to use approximately $5,000 from the available bond funds to install the high visibility crosswalk and signs on Weaver Dairy Road Extension.
High visibility crosswalks provide drivers greater information at uncontrolled crosswalks where pedestrians may not be expected to cross the street, such as at mid-block locations or where there are substantial numbers of pedestrians using the crosswalk. They improve the visibility of the crossing from the driver’s perspective and for pedestrians with low vision. We recommend a ladder stripe high visibility crosswalk on Weaver Dairy Road Extension at Old Larkspur Way/Rowe Road as shown on Attachment 3. Appropriate signage will also be provided on approaches to the intersection.
Transit Service along Weaver Dairy Extension
Chapel Hill staff has begun discussions with staff from Carrboro and the University of North Carolina to prepare a five-year Short Range Transit Plan, which is intended to guide future expansion of Chapel Hill Transit. This Plan will include an assessment of potential service changes, including increased service along current routes to meet increased passenger demand and expansion of transit routes in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro service area.
As part of the process to develop the Short Range Transit Plan and to guide the development of recommendations for modifications to Chapel Hill Transit service in the 2006-2007 fiscal year, the Chapel Hill and Carrboro Transportation Boards have scheduled a public forum for 7:00 pm, Monday, January 16, 2006 in the Chapel Hill Council Chambers. The purpose of the forum will be to receive comments from citizens on the performance of the Chapel Hill Transit system and suggestions for future services.
We will include a copy of this petition in the materials to be considered at the forum and in subsequent discussions concerning future transit services.