Town Council Planning Session
January 12, 2006
Chapel Hill Public Library
8:30 a.m. 1. Welcome and review of proposed agenda
8:40 2. Budget Issues
a. Status report on 2005-06 Budget and
Forecast of potential key issues for 2006-07 Budget
b. Consideration of Budget development process options
10:00 Break
10:15 3. Consideration of Council’s goals for implementing the Comprehensive Plan
a. Review of goals, status of work and related issues
1. November 21, 2005 Quarterly Update of Council Goals
2. Potential process for developing a small area plan for the Rogers Road and Greene Tract area
3. Potential process for updating the Comprehensive Plan
4. Status of work on Long Range Transit Plan
5. Related Reports
a. Update on Neighborhood Conservation District Process
b. Planning Staff report regarding Process for Development of Horace Williams Property
c. Report from Horace Williams Citizens Committee
b. Consideration of adjustments in goals and schedules as desired by the Council
12:30 p.m. Lunch
1:00 4. Discussion of Other Issues
b. Joint planning for west end of downtown Chapel Hill and east end of downtown Carrboro (Council Member Hill)
c. Downtown parking survey and exploration of parking services options (Council Member Hill)
d. Update on Explanation of WiFi Issues (Council Member Easthom)
e. Other issues as desired by the Council
3:00 Adjourn