General Fund |
Preliminary Revenue Estimates |
2006-2007 |
Category |
2005-06 Current |
Preliminary |
2006-07 Preliminary Estimates |
Increase (Decrease) Over 2005-06 |
Property Taxes* |
25,005,000 |
25,005,000 |
25,230,000 |
225,000 |
Other Taxes & Licenses |
1,047,000 |
1,138,000 |
1,163,000 |
25,000 |
Licenses/Permits/Fines/Forfeitures |
1,585,000 |
1,585,000 |
1,585,000 |
- |
State-Shared Revenues |
12,787,000 |
13,311,000 |
13,670,000 |
359,000 |
Grants |
424,000 |
448,000 |
424,000 |
(24,000) |
Service Charges |
1,675,000 |
1,659,000 |
1,659,000 |
- |
Interest on Investments |
131,000 |
340,000 |
340,000 |
- |
Other Revenues |
324,000 |
324,000 |
303,000 |
(21,000) |
Interfund Transfers |
1,861,000 |
1,861,000 |
1,846,000 |
(15,000) |
Appropriated Fund Balance |
1,515,000 |
- |
800,000 |
800,000 |
- |
46,354,000 |
45,671,000 |
47,020,000 |
1,349,000 |
* Based on a tax rate of 47.4 cents for the General Fund and estimated growth in tax base of 1.8%. |