Public Hearing: January 18, 2006






This update is provided as a clarification for circumstances and/or recommendations that have since the Original Staff Report (Attachment 2) was composed and reviewed by Advisory Boards, with detailed discussion below.  Changes are also noted in the respective sections of the original Staff Report to correspond to discussions in this update.  We believe that the applicant is in agreement with each of the recommended changes, except where noted.


Miscellaneous Issues

There are a few changes throughout the original Staff Report, due to changed conditions or new information. These changes are highlighted with strikethroughs for deletions and underscores for additions to the original text.


The following stipulations were originally recommended for inclusion in Resolution A, but have since been modified or deleted, due to additional material provided by the applicant, additional review and/or comments from the Advisory Boards:


Parking Lot Site Plan: The original Staff Report recommended that a site plan e provided, showing dimensions of the parking spaces and labeling those proposed for rent. The most recently-submitted plan meets these requirements.


Parking Lot Design and Construction: The original Staff Report recommended that the parking lot be designed and constructed according to Town standards, with a paved surface. However, because the existing gravel surface is recognized as an all-weather surface, and paving would require stormwater management and additional land disturbance, we believe as an existing condition the gravel surface can be allowed to remain.


Parking Lot Pedestrian Access and Lighting Plan: The original Staff Report recommended that a site plan be provided showing existing and proposed pedestrian access paths and existing and proposed parking lot lighting fixtures. We believe that the most recently-submitted Site Plan now identifies pedestrian access and the location of existing lighting. We continue to recommend that a separate lighting plan be submitted and approved by an engineer and the Community Design Commission (see “Lighting Plan”).


Bicycle Parking: The original Staff Report recommended that bicycle parking be covered and illuminated, as recommended by the Design Manual. We believe that the existing bicycle parking, which meets the requirement for number of spaces, should be allowed to remain as a nonconforming feature.


Bus Stop Directional Sign: The original Staff Report recommended that the applicant install a sign directing pedestrians to the closest bus stop(s). We believe that a payment-in-lieu for a bus shelter best meets the bus shelter requirement for a Park/Ride Terminal. See the “Key Issues” section for more detail.


Landscape Buffers: The original Staff Report recommended that the minimum landscape buffers be achieved for the site, by increasing the existing buffers and removing portions of the existing parking lot which currently lie within the existing buffers. We now recommend that if the existing landscaping in the public right-of-way along Mason Farm Road is removed, that the applicant provides the 20-foot Type “C” buffer requirement or seek approval from the Community Design Commission for an alternate buffer. We believe that in those areas along the east property line where the buffer does not meet the minimum buffer requirements, the applicant shall obtain approval from the Community Design Commission for an alternate buffer. See Attachment 2, Original Staff Report, for more detail.


Stormwater Management Plan, Storm Drainageway Easement, Stormwater Operations and Maintenance Plan: The original Staff Report recommended that the parking lot be paved, which would have necessitated the stormwater management stipulations. Because we no longer recommend paving, these stipulations are not applicable and have been removed.


Other standard stipulations which were recommended as part of Resolution A have been deleted as they do not specifically apply to this application. These stipulations include:


Solid Waste Management Plan, State or Federal Approvals, Overhead Obstruction/Utility Lines, Utility Line Placement, and Open Burning.