Agenda #10b


to:                  Mayor and Town Council

from:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager

subject:      Request for a Council Appointee to the HOME Program Review Committee

date:            January 23, 2006

Adoption of the attached resolution would appoint a Council member to serve as the Town’s representative to the HOME Program Review Committee.



Since 1992, the Town along with Carrboro, Hillsborough and Orange County has participated in the Orange County HOME Consortium.  The Consortium was established in order to receive federal HOME Program funds.   Orange County serves as the lead entity for this Consortium.  


Each year during the budget process, the Consortium staff, comprised of representatives from each of the four participating jurisdictions, forwards a recommendation for the allocation of HOME funds to each of the governing bodies for approval. 


During the 2000–2001 budget process, several elected officials from the participating jurisdictions asked how the annual HOME program plan was developed.  At that time, elected officials expressed interest in having more involvement in the development stages of the annual plan. 


On October 23, 2000, the Council adopted a resolution to participate in a HOME Program Review Committee along with Orange County, Carrboro and Hillsborough. The purpose of this Committee is to allow elected officials to have more involvement in the development of the annual HOME Program plan and to review the progress of HOME funded activities on a regular basis. The Council appointed former Council Member Edith Wiggins to represent the Town Council. 




The HOME Program Review Committee meets more frequently during the budget process to review applications for HOME Program funding and develop a proposed funding plan.  During the remainder of the year, the Committee meets regularly to discuss the progress of HOME Program activities and other County-wide affordable housing issues.  Elected officials and staff members from each jurisdiction attend Committee meetings. 



That the Council adopt the attached resolution appointing a representative to the HOME Program Review Committee.