The following is a list of projects from 2005 which are either completed, expected to be completed in the first quarter, 2006, in regular operation, treated as a work assignment  or which the Council no longer wishes to pursue.


      6.                   Clean Water Actions


Description: Three major short-term Comprehensive Plan actions are related to goals related to Clean Water:


·        Implement a dedicated funding source for stormwater management. The Council has directed Town staff to work with a consultant and an ad hoc policy committee to develop a stormwater utility that would collect fees to offset the cost of building and maintaining stormwater management infrastructure and monitoring and improving water quality. The work that remains includes completing consultant work and considering establishing a stormwater utility, and is estimated to take eighteen to twenty-four months.


·        Adopt, implement improved erosion and sedimentation requirements.


·        Develop a water quality performance review process.  At the planning session, the Council also discussed possibilities for more aggressive Clean Water initiatives related to water quality.  The new Land Use Management Ordinance provisions and the creation of a stormwater utility are expected to begin improving water quality in Chapel Hill.  The Comprehensive Plan envisioned establishing a comprehensive water quality performance review process that would set target goals, monitor water quality trends, screen potential problem areas, and evaluate the effectiveness of alternative best management practices for development.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Council review of mission, goals and policy priorities for a stormwater management utility

o            Review by Second Quarter, 2004

·        Council adoption of stormwater utility

o            Target Completion Date: Second Quarter, 2004

·        Council Report on Improved Erosion and Sedimentation Requirements

o            Address in Land Use Management Ordinance evaluation, Fourth Quarter, 2004

·        Council Report on a Water Quality/Clean Water Performance Review Process

o            Work to begin in 2004


May 12, 2003 Status:  The Committee has been established, and an initial meeting was held in April. The Committee, consultant, and Town staff established a work plan and schedule that calls for completion of the utility development work by the end of calendar year 2003, for possible implementation in the first quarter of 2004.


The new Land Use Management Ordinance recently adopted by the Council includes a variety of means and measures intended to reduce and control land disturbing activities that often result in soil erosion and sedimentation problems.  To supplement the Ordinance, Town staff is working on an updated Design Manual that will include standards and construction detail intended to improve the control and management of soil erosion and sedimentation resulting from development activities.  Town staff is continuing work with the State Division of Water Quality to perform stream assessments intended to locate erosion and sedimentation problems occurring in local streams and drainageways, and to identify appropriate mitigation measures.


August 25, 2003 Status: The Council-appointed stormwater utility committee was established in the first quarter 2003, and began meeting thereafter on a monthly basis.  A mission statement has been adopted and goals/objectives have been identified and prioritized by the Committee.  The consultant has completed interviews with staff from all Town departments to determine the extent of existing resources and services being provided by the Town in support of stormwater management activities.  The Committee, consultant, and Town staff is presently on schedule for implementation in the second quarter of 2004.


We are continuing to sample water quality in our local streams on a regular basis in order to establish baseline water quality data and to identify potential sources of pollution.  In conjunction with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, we will be establishing comprehensive water quality protection measures starting in 2004.  The water quality program area will include means and measures for performance review.


November 10, 2003 Status:  The stormwater utility committee is considering policy recommendations and reviewing potential program elements with regard to level and extent of services to be provided by the Town.  The consultant is analyzing impervious surface areas Town-wide as part of the rate study.  A status report on progress to date will be presented to the Council at its November 24 regular meeting.  We believe that the Council would be in a position to initiate utility operations by the end of the second quarter of 2004.


January 15, 2004 Status:  At its November 24 regular meeting, the Council received a status report on the development of a Town Stormwater Utility intended to provide a consistent source of revenue for improved management of stormwater runoff quality and quantity. Town staff from several departments are continuing work with the consultant and the stormwater utility advisory committee to develop policy recommendations and to identify program elements including level and extent of services to be provided by the Town if a utility is established.


The Council has scheduled a workshop on January 26 to discuss development and implementation of the stormwater utility.


February 23, 2004 Status:  The Council held a public forum on a proposed Stormwater Utility on February 16, 2004, and adopted a schedule to consider the potential establishment of a stormwater management utility to serve Chapel Hill.  The schedule calls for Council consideration in June 2004. The Design Manual has been produced and is in use.


May 10, 2004 Status:  The Council continued to review and receive comments regarding the proposed stormwater management utility at meetings and budget discussions on March 24, April 26, and April 28, 2004.  The Manager proposed a recommended program that would be supported by a fee of $45 per year per equivalent rate unit.  The Council requested a reduced program and the Manager submitted an option that would be based on a budget of $1.7 million and an Equivalent Rate Unit of $39 per year.  The Council is scheduled to consider action on establishing a stormwater management utility at its June 14, 2004 business meeting.


September 7, 2004 Status:  The Council enacted an ordinance establishing a local stormwater management utility effective July 1, 2004.  The first year will involve program development and master planning activities, including appointment of an advisory board.  The first year operating budget is approximately $1.7 million.


Other program activities will include opening discussions with the University about the possibility of its participation in the utility.


Work on improvements in local soil erosion and sedimentation control regulations and development of a water quality performance review process is expected to begin in the First Quarter, 2005.


November 8, 2004 Status: A Request for Proposals to Develop a Stormwater Management Master Plan is in draft form for review by the Stormwater Management Utility Advisory Board that is expected to be appointed and convened by the Town Council in the Fourth Quarter 2004.


We plan to open discussions with the University in the First Quarter 2005, regarding its participation in the Stormwater Utility.


Work on improvements in local soil erosion and sedimentation control regulations and development of a water quality performance review process is expected to begin in the First Quarter 2005, with guidance from the Stormwater Advisory Board.


February 28, 2005 Status:  Due to delay in seating the Stormwater Management Utility Advisory Board, the draft Request for Proposals to develop a stormwater management master plan is still being reviewed by the Board.  We anticipate that the RFP will be ready to send out in March or April and that selection of a consultant will be completed before the end of May this year.


Engineering staff are working with the Manager to compile information in preparation for requesting that the University agree to enter into discussions with the Town regarding University participation in the Town’s Stormwater Management Utility.  The Manager expects to make initial contact with University officials in March.


Work on improvements in local soil erosion and sedimentation control regulations, and development of a water quality performance review process, is expected to begin in the Second Quarter 2005, with guidance from the Stormwater Management Utility Advisory Board.


May 9, 2005 Status:  Engineering staff and the Stormwater Management Advisory Board continued working on the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) document to solicit interest from consultants for preparation of a multi-year Stormwater Management Program Master Plan.  Subject to Board approval at its April meeting, we expect to send the RFQ out in May and receive responses in June.  Following review of proposals by staff and the Board, we will present our contract recommendation for the Council’s consideration in September.


Engineering staff soon will initiate discussions with the University about its potential participation in the utility and we will report to the Council in the fall.


We will continue working with neighboring jurisdictions and the Board on improvements in soil erosion and sedimentation control regulations, pollution management strategies, and water quality performance standards.


September 12, 2005 Status:  Qualification Statements from potential Stormwater Management Program Master Plan consultants were received and reviewed by staff and representatives from the Stormwater Management Advisory Board.  Of the eight firms that submitted statements, five were interviewed in late July.  Our recommendation for consultant selection is included on the September 12, 2005 Town Council agenda.


The Town has received its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit and the University has received a draft permit. We will communicate with the University about participation in the Town’s utility this month and report further later in the fall.


We will continue working with neighboring jurisdictions and our Advisory Board on improvements in soil erosion and sedimentation control regulations, pollution management strategies, and water quality performance standards.


November 21, 2005 Status: The stormwater master plan consultant selection committee chose Jewel Engineering Consultants from Greensboro, NC for contract negotiations to develop a Chapel Hill Stormwater Management Program Master Plan. The Stormwater Management Advisory Board concurred with the selection, and we expect to complete contract negotiations for year-one activities by the end of calendar year 2005.


Town staff began implementing compliance activities outlined in the Town’s federally mandated National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. Included in that work are: Preparation of an illicit discharge ordinance. Evaluation and modification of the Town’s water quality testing program. Further development of drainage infrastructure mapping, steam regime inspections and evaluations, and identification and implementation of mitigation projects.


We have requested that University staff agree to meet with Town staff to discuss the University’s participation in the Stormwater Management Utility Program administered by the Town. We expect those discussions to start in early 2006.


We will continue working with neighboring jurisdictions and the Stormwater Management Advisory Board on improvements in soil erosion and sedimentation control regulations pollution management strategies, and water quality performance standards.


February 13, 2006 Status: In January 2006, we provided a status report to the Town Council concerning development of the Stormwater Management Program Master Plan.  We expect to execute a contract with our consultant for year-one Master Plan activities by the end of February 2006.


Town staff continued implementing compliance activities outlined in the Town’s federally mandated National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. Included in that work are: preparation of an illicit discharge ordinance; evaluation and modification of the Town’s water quality testing program; development of drainage infrastructure mapping; stream inspections and evaluations; identification and implementation of mitigation projects.


We have scheduled meetings with University staff to discuss the University’s participation in the Stormwater Management Utility Program administered by the Town.  Our first meeting is scheduled for mid-February 2006.


We will continue working with neighboring jurisdictions and the Stormwater Management Advisory Board to improve soil erosion and sedimentation control regulations associated with pollution management strategies and water quality performance standards.



      18.                 Communications with Chatham County


Description: Work to improve communications with Chatham County, possibly by reviving the Orange-Chatham Work Group.


Products to be Produced and Timetable

·        Town Manager to initiate contact with Chatham County Manager

o            Contact by Second Quarter 2005


February 23, 2004 Status:  New Goal.


May 10, 2004 Status:  The Council met with the Chatham County Board of Commissioners on April 20, and discussed development issues related to the University, the Downtown, mixed use, the Urban Services Boundary, stormwater management, traffic and transit, and affordable housing.  The Manager will develop a proposal for re-establishing the Chapel Hill-Chatham Work Group and report to the Council by September, 2004.


September 7, 2004 Status: The Manager will develop a proposal for re-establishing the Chapel Hill-Chatham Work Group and report to the Council by September, 2004.


November 8, 2004 Status:  This work has been deferred because of Planning staff workload.  We will attempt to complete the next step before the end of this quarter.


February 28, 2005 Status:  Revised Goal.  Town and County Managers to discuss.


May 9, 2005 Status:  The Managers have had an initial discussion.  A specific proposal will be brought forward by the first meeting in September.


September 12, 2005 Status: We understand that the Chatham County Manager has not been able to give this matter attention because of the press of other business.


November 21, 2005 Status: No change in status.


February 13, 2006 Status:  No further action needed.



21. Parking Study/New Regulations


Description: The Council has asked the Manager to prepare a study of current parking practices and policies, and propose a set of new requirements during 2003.  The study will include local parking patterns, supply, and demand.  We will recommend a budget for such a study.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·         Study by Consultant, New Rules Proposed

o       Begin Project: Second Quarter, 2003

o       Hearing Date:  Second Quarter, 2004

o       Target Completion Date:  Second Quarter, 2004


May 12, 2003 Status: The Manager’s budget proposal reserves funds to pay for the parking study.  We expect to engage a consultant prior to the end of this fiscal year.


August 25, 2003 Status:  On June 23, 2003, the Council authorized the Manager to enter into a contract for $45,000 with Ray Moe of LSA Associates to undertake the parking study.  Data collection is to begin this fall.   We anticipate having the report results by December, 2003, for inclusion in a January 2004 public hearing on possible changes to the Land Use Management Ordinance.  We are behind schedule in pursuing this project, due to reallocation of staff resources required to implement the new Land Use Management Ordinance.


November 10, 2003 Status:  Work is underway, and data are being gathered and compiled on parking patterns for existing residential, office, and commercial uses at multiple sites throughout Town.  A report will be ready in December, and recommendations on adjusted parking regulations will be presented at the January 21 Public Hearing.


January 15, 2004 Status:  Progress was delayed due to workload demands on other projects.  The report now is scheduled to be completed in February 2004, with a spring public hearing.


February 23, 2004 Status:  Report to be presented to Council in March 2004.


May 10, 2004 Status:  Provided status report to Council on March 22, 2004.  Anticipated May public hearing to be delayed to September, 2004 due to workload demands on other projects.  Consultant has submitted draft report and staff will complete review during the summer.


September 7, 2004 Status:  Delayed by workload demands on Planning staff; report to the Council expected in November 2004.


November 8, 2004 Status:  Report to the Council expected in November 2004.


February 28, 2005 Status:  On November 22, 2004, the Council called a public hearing on draft report recommendations for February 21, 2005, and referred the report to advisory boards.  The Council conducted the hearing and referred comments to the Manager and Town Attorney for a follow-up report.


May 9, 2005 Status:  The follow-up report will be presented at the May 23, 2005 Council meeting.


September 12, 2005 Status: This item will return to the Town Council following Transportation Board review in fall 2005.


November 21, 2005 Status: The Transportation Board will review the item in the First Quarter 2006.


February 13, 2006 Status:  No change in status. Project completion expected 2006.



24. Rosemary Street Redevelopment


Description: Consider strategies to reduce surface parking and make property available for redevelopment on Rosemary Street. 


Product to be Produced and Timetable

·              Add to Implementation Timetable for Downtown Small Area Plan

o         Work to begin in 2005


February 23, 2004 Status:  New Goal.


May 10, 2004 Status:  Work to begin in 2005.


September 7, 2004 Status: Work to begin in 2005.


November 8, 2004 Status:  Work to begin in 2005.


February 28, 2005 Status:  Work to begin in Fourth Quarter 2005.


May 9, 2005 Status:  Work to begin in Fourth Quarter, 2005.


September 12, 2005 Status: Work on this project is expected to be integrated with the Downtown Small Area Plan implementation work as described in Item 22 above.


November 21, 2005 Status: No change in status.


February 13, 2006 Status:  Work on this project is expected to be integrated with the Downtown Small Area Plan implementation work.



26. Implement Parks and Recreation Master Plan


Description: A schedule for funding and implementing the 2002 Parks and Recreation Master Plan.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Report to Council proposing long-term funding schedule for implementing Parks and Recreation Master Plan.


May 12, 2003 Status:  Work is to be completed by the fourth quarter of FY 2003-04.


August 25, 2003 Status: Work is to be completed by the fourth quarter of FY 2003-04.


November 10, 2003 Status:  Special Use Permit process work is proceeding on the Southern Community Park and Homestead Park Aquatic Facility projects. We continue work with the Siena Hotel regarding the Pritchard Park plan. Work is to be completed by the fourth quarter of FY 2003-04.


January 15, 2004 Status:  We continue to work on the Special Use Permits for the Southern Community Park and Homestead Park Aquatic Facility projects. We are waiting for information from the Siena Hotel regarding the Pritchard Park plan.


February 23, 2004 Status:  The Parks and Recreation Commission began discussions of long-term funding at their February 18, 2004 meeting.


May 10, 2004 Status:  The Parks and Recreation Commission has developed a preliminary recommendation. The staff is working on an implantation strategy and we expect to complete a report with recommendations by the Third Quarter, 2004.


September 7, 2004 Status:  The staff continues working to finalize an implementation strategy, which will be reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission at its October 2004 meeting.


November 8, 2004 Status:  The Commission is scheduled to finalize its recommendations at its November meeting.


February 28, 2005 Status: The Town continues to work on a number of projects related to fulfilling goals of the Master Plan, including the Homestead  Aquatic Center, Southern Community Park, extensive extraordinary maintenance of the Community Center, and various greenway segments. Due to budgetary constraints the Parks and Recreation Commission has not prepared recommendations for funding beyond current parks bonds and the Capital Improvement Program.


May 9, 2005 Status: The Parks and Recreation Commission has reported that it will not prepare recommendations for funding beyond current park bonds and the Capital Improvement Program.


September 12, 2005 Status:  No additional work is anticipated beyond preparing recommendations for use of current park bonds and the Capital Improvement Program.


November 21, 2005 Status: No change in status.


February 13, 2006 Status: No further action needed at this time.



31. Town Advisory Board Meeting Procedures


Description: At its September 22, 2003 meeting the Council received a report on advisory boards’ processes for citizen comments and applicant interviews.  At that time, the Council referred this issue to the January 2004 Planning Session.


Follow-up Action:  The Council referred this item to a Council Committee at its Planning Session on January 15, 2004.  The Committee is to bring back recommendations to the Council (Council Members Hill and Strom agreed to serve).


February 23, 2004 Status:  New Goal.


May 10, 2004 Status:  Council Committee will begin work late in the Second Quarter, 2004, and will work with the Town Clerk to develop recommendations for the Council’s consideration.


September 7, 2004 Status:  The Council Committee is waiting for reports from all advisory boards and commissions regarding changes to the process.  No action is expected until late in the fourth quarter.


November 8, 2004 Status:  The Council Committee is expected to take action late in the fourth quarter.


February 28, 2005 Status:  No change in status.


May 9, 2005 Status:  No change in status.


September 12, 2005 Status: No change in status.


November 21, 2005 Status: No change in status.


February 13, 2006 Status: No further action needed at this time.



39. Health Issues Related to Stormwater Retention/Detention


Description: Study health effects of stormwater ponds and swales as they relate to the West Nile virus and other diseases potentially transmitted by mosquitoes.


Products to be Produced and Timetable

·        Seek University/contractual help, Second Quarter, 2004

·        Consider as part of Council’s Budget deliberations, Second Quarter, 2004

·        Report to Council, Fourth Quarter, 2004


February 23, 2004 Status:  New Goal.


May 10, 2004 Status:  Will explore University help in Second Quarter, 2004.


September 7, 2004 Status:  Staff has contacted the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (DEHNR) who administer the State’s mosquito control program to set a date to discuss this study.  We anticipate meeting with officials from DEHNR in September to discuss the scope, resources and expertise available to undertake the study. 


November 8, 2004 Status:  Original meeting with DEHNR was cancelled and we are in the process of arranging a new meeting date in November.  In addition, we will be exploring assistance from the University School of Public Health in November.


February 28, 2005 Status:  Town staff met with representatives from North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Health (DEHNR), and North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, in December to discuss the status of their current research related to potential threats posed by mosquitoes and the West Nile virus.  Dr. Charles S. Apperson, who was present at this meeting, is completing a one-year statewide study in which he collected data from 53 sites to determine potential problem areas.  This study is scheduled for release and broad public availability early in 2005.  He believes that the Town of Chapel Hill will be able to use this study for specific local applications.


The possibility exists that Dr. Apperson could be available to assist local officials once his study is released to address local concerns.  We will contact him upon release of his study and pursue further discussions, for which the Town may have to cover costs for such consultation.  Town staff also is coordinating its efforts in this matter with Dr. Barry Engber, the state’s medical entomologist with DEHNR, who also attended the mid-December meeting noted above.


In discussions at the mid-December meeting, we learned that the key to understanding potential health risks is the type of facilities in existence locally.  For example, areas without predators (i.e., fish) have the greatest potential for problems. Most likely sites for breeding are woody areas.  The professionals at this meeting stressed the importance of an effective long-term maintenance plan for our facilities, with emphasis on assurance that areas dry up quickly, alternating wet and dry cycles.  Based on initial analysis of data collected, Dr. Apperson indicated that, if our facilities are operated properly, they do not pose serious threats at this time.


We plan to review Dr. Apperson’s final study, contact him for possible follow-up specifically related to our area and report back to the Council by the end of fiscal 2005-2006.


May 9, 2005 Status:  We recently contacted Dr. Apperson and learned that he and his staff had completed data gathering and analysis and he concluded that, rather than complete a final report for public information, it was preferable to continue with a second phase prior to issuance of a formal report. The studies basically found that, while their initial sampling was sufficiently broad, sampling efforts needed to be more “intense” and it would be preferable to continue over the next year with further analysis. He stipulated that a couple of areas within the Town of Chapel Hill would be included in the overall sampling and that findings and recommendations could be anticipated that could be applied to local conditions. Accordingly, we anticipate on-going cooperation with Dr. Apperson and use of his work in problem definitions here and formulation of specific measures to undertake locally. While we will continue to keep the Council informed as to quarterly progress over the coming year, we believe that a comprehensive report likely will be feasible once Dr. Apperson completes his work and issues a report.


September 12, 2005 Status:  We await release of Dr. Apperson’s report, anticipated later this winter. The survey is presently on-going, with data analysis and preparation of a report pending. The study scope includes two sites within Chapel Hill, so that we should be able to draw valid conclusions as to local implications.


November 21, 2005 Status: We contacted Dr. Apperson for an update and he informed us that all of their data have been collected and forwarded to the Medical Entomologist with Public Health Pest Management, who will identify the mosquitoes collected and complete data analysis. Dr. Apperson anticipates receipt of this information in time for publication of his study during December, 2005. We will then apply findings relative to conditions and desirable actions locally and report back to the Council during the latter half of fiscal 2005-06.


February 13, 2006 Status: No further action needed at this time.



41. Town Fleet Efficiency


Description: Set goals for increased gas/fuel efficiency.  Create a Chapel Hill Green Fleets Policy.


Products to be Produced and Timetable

·        Report to the Council Third Quarter, 2004


February 23, 2004 Status:  New Goal.


May 10, 2004 Status:  Report will be submitted in Third Quarter, 2004.


September 7, 2004 Status: The Town Manager met with the Transportation Director and Interim Public Works Director for a Green Fleets planning session in August 2004.  A joint working group has been established with members from the Transportation Department and the Public Works Department to develop a draft Green Fleets Policy.  We expect to provide the draft Green Fleets Policy to the Town Council in the Fourth Quarter, 2004.


November 8, 2004 Status:  The Transportation/Public Works Green Fleets working group has begun work on a draft "Green Fleets" policy.  We expect to present the draft policy to the Town Council on December 6, 2004.


February 28, 2005 Status:  A draft “Green Fleets” policy was submitted to the Manager and returned to staff for further work in December 2004.  We expect to present a draft policy to the Town Council by the Second Quarter of 2005.


May 9, 2005 Status:  The draft Green Fleets policy was received by the Council on April 25, 2005, and referred to the SEE Committee for review and comments. The item will be on the agenda of the SEE Committee at its next meeting.


September 12, 2005 Status:  The Town Council adopted the Green Fleets Policy on June 15, 2005. Members of the Green Fleets Committee have been appointed and the initial meeting of the committee is scheduled for late September. As required by the newly established Green Fleets Policy, baseline fleet inventories have been completed by the Public Works Fleet Supervisor and the Transportation Maintenance Superintendent. These baseline inventories will be presented to member of Green Fleets Committee for review at its first meeting.


November 21, 2005 Status: The first meeting of the Green Fleets Committee was on November 15, 2005.  The committee will meet again in the 2nd quarter to review the proposed list of vehicles to be replaced in FY 2006-07.


February 13, 2006 Status:  Project complete and in regular operation.