TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Follow-Up Report on Ways to Improve Pedestrian Travel Around Town Hall and at the Intersection of Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard and North Columbia Street
DATE: February 27, 2006
This is a follow-up report regarding several measures that could be implemented in the vicinity of Town Hall to improve pedestrian access and circulation.
The 2003 Sidewalk and Street Improvements Bonds include $650,000 for neighborhood, pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements including installation of traffic calming measures, signing, lighting, and pedestrian/bicycle safety improvements. The Council issued $300,000 of the bonds in fiscal year 2004-05, of which approximately $32,000 has been spent and $120,000 was authorized for several traffic calming devices in seven areas of the Town.
Adoption of the attached resolution would authorize the use of up to $10,000 of 2003 Sidewalk and Street Improvement Bond funds for the following projects:
We recommend adoption of the attached resolution.
We are in the process of developing plans and detailed cost estimates for other projects and another follow-up report will be provided to the Town Council later this year.
At its June 27, 2005 meeting, the Council received a report from the Manager regarding ways to improve pedestrian travel around Town Hall and at the intersection of Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard (then known as Airport Road) and North Columbia Street. Please see Attachment 1 for an area map with project locations. A copy of the June 27, 2005 Council report is provided in Attachment 2.
Based on recommendations from the Transportation Board and Bicycle/Pedestrian Board, and analysis by Town staff, we recommend that the Council approve the following projects:
Project #5: Install a flashing warning light and “Caution – Intersection Ahead” sign at the crest of the hill on North Columbia Street north of Stephens Street.
Project #8: Construct a combination speed table/crosswalk on North Columbia Street south of its intersection with Carr Street.
Project #14: Construct a speed table on North Columbia Street south of its intersection with Stephens Street.
We are currently developing plans and detailed cost estimates for the following projects and will provide another follow-up report to the Town Council later this year:
Project #9: Re-align North Columbia Street at its intersection with Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard to create a perpendicular “T” intersection and replace the existing “Yield” sign with a “Stop” sign on North Columbia Street. This project requires NCDOT approval.
Project #11: Construct a raised pedestrian refuge median in the center-turn lane of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard adjacent the Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard entrance to Town Hall. We are including this project in the Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Corridor Study for Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety.
Project #12: Construct curb, gutter and sidewalk along the north side of Stephens Street.
The Manager recommends that the Council adopt the attached resolution that would authorize the use of up to $10,000 of 2003 Sidewalk and Street Improvement Bond funds for the following projects:
1. Area Map with Project Locations (p. 4).
2. June 27, 2005 Council Report (p. 5).