AGENDA 3a(1)


Original Message-----
From: David Clapsadl
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:34 PM
To: All Clerk
Subject: Rezoning of Parking

Ms. Oliver

I am a current resident at 101 Roundhill Road in Chapel Hill (near the
UNC campus).  Recently, we've experienced problems with people parking
in front of our home (blocking both mail delivery and trash pick-up).
We've asked people on several occasions not to park there and left
notes with others.  The response that we have gotten has been trash
thrown in our yard and remarks to the effect that it is a public street
and people will park where they want.  At the present time, Roundhill
Road is listed as parking by residential permit only between 9 AM and 4
PM.  While the "No Parking" sign is posted next to our driveway, people
continue to park on the other side of it, blocking both mail and trash
pick-up.  In addition, the added traffic on the road has resulted in
deep wash-outs (it is a dirt and gravel drive).  At this time, we have
several questions.

1.  Who do we need to contact to get permits for our vehicles as
2.  How can we request that the "No Parking" area be extended
approximately 100 feet to cover in front of our home (we would like to
have this done as quickly as possible)?
3.  If possible, what is the quickest way that we can have Roundhill
Road rezoned from a Sec. 21-27.9 area to a Sec. 21-27.8 area to keep
people that are not residents from parking there?

If I have contacted your department in error, would you be kind enough
to forward this message to someone within the city council that could
help us in this matter?  Thank you so much for your help in this


David Clapsadl
UNC School of Law, 2L
101 Roundhill Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Phone - 919-601-2882