AGENDA 3a(2)


From: Lee and Gail McIlwain
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 11:54 AM
To: Town Council
Cc: Kumar Neppalli; Bruce Runberg; Linda Convissor
Subject: Mason Farm Road Study




TO: Mayor and Town Council


FROM: Gail McIlwain


DATE: February 23, 2006


RE: Mason Farm Road Study




As you know, the University has begun a feasibility study for its proposal that Mason Farm Road be widened to four lanes between the 15-501 Bypass and the UNC Hospital parking decks. Previously, the University had assured our neighborhood that Mason Farm Road would remain a neighborhood road. Because we are concerned that information regarding plans for this road will become public too late for effective input from our neighborhood, we wish to petition the Town to:


1. request that the University provide the Town with its plan for the proposed four-lane Mason Farm Road corridor;

2. ask the University and the DOT for all information regarding the feasibility study being  conducted by them for the proposed corridor;

3. obtain from the University and/or the DOT the proposed dates of the possible road construction and data regarding its projected effects on the Mason Farm Road  neighborhood;

4. ensure that any discussions between the University and the Town regarding the proposed road  actively involve representatives of the Mason Farm Neighborhood Association.