List of Projects Granted
Expedited Processing
March 6, 2006
receiving staff recommendations based on these criteria, since 1993 the Council
has approved expedited processing for:
- Wilson Assemblage (Affordable Housing)
- UNC Family House (Community Nonprofit)
- Sunrise Road Habitat for Humanity Development (Affordable Housing)
- Village Apartments (Related to Council Objective)
- Southern Orange Senior Center (Public Project)
- OWASA I-40 Booster Pump Station (Public Project)
- Holy Trinity Church (Community Nonprofit)
- Homestead Park Aquatic Center (Public Project)
- UNC Softball Complex (Public Project)
- Southern Community Park (Public Project)
- Village Plaza Theaters (Related to Construction in Progress)
- OWASA Wastewater Treatment Facility (Public Project)
- Eastgate Shopping Center gas station conversion (Contaminated Soil)
- Town of Chapel Hill Operation Center (Public Project)
- UNC Print Services (Public Project)
- Red, Hot and Blue Restaurant at Village Plaza (No physical changes, adjusting archaic condition)
- Empowerment, 229 North Graham Street (Nonprofit Community Group)
- Meadowmont Hilltop and Greenway Condominium (Affordable Housing)
- Village Plaza Shopping Center (Significant Cooperative Initiative)
- Rusch Road Habitat for Humanity Subdivision (Affordable Housing)
- Paul J. Rizzo Conference Center (Public Project)
- Rosemary Street Mixed Use Development (Public Interest)
- Orange County Landfill (Public Project)
- Meadowmont Wachovia Bank (Affordable Housing Opportunity)
- Meadowmont School/Park(Public Project)
- Rams Plaza Renovations (Related to work of Council Committee)
- UNC Airport Drive Office Building (Public Project)
- Chapel Hill Pediatrics (Patient - Community Demands)
- Eastwood Lake Project (Stormwater Management)
- Church of the Holy Family Expansion (Community Nonprofit)
- Carol Woods Retirement Center (for day care addition, dining hall expansion and new units) (Community need for Daycare)
- University Fraternity and Sorority applications (sprinkler projects),
- Manley Estates Housing (Affordable Housing)
- Greene Tract rezoning (Public Project)
- Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity House (sprinkler project)
- University Mall Redevelopment (Council Committee)
- Carol Woods Retirement Community (Village Charter School) (School)
- Midway Business Center (Nonprofit Community Economic Development)
- Chapel Hill Internal Medicine (Patient - Community Demand)
- UNC Co-generation Facility Boiler Replacement (Public Project)
- Kenan Stadium Expansion (Public Project)
- Orange Community Housing Corporation Scarlette Housing (Affordable Housing)
- Freedom House (Community Services)
- McDade House relocation (Historic Structure)
- Neville Tract (Public Project)
- Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity (burned structure)
- Southern Village Elementary School (Public Project)
- Pavilion (Economic Opportunity)
- Paul J. Rizzo Conference Center (Public Project)
- WUNC Tower request (Public Project)
- Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Transportation Center (Public Project)
- Bolin Creek Greenway Phase II (Public Project)
- Chapel Hill Day Care at Southern Village (Community Day Care)
- Transitional Housing on Clark Road (Affordable Housing)
- Hargraves Gymnasium addition (Public Project)
- Orange County Southern Human Services Center (Public Project)
- East Chapel Hill High School (Public Project)
- Culbreth Park Subdivision (Public Project)
- Chapel Hill Public Housing (Public Project)
- Chapel Hill Public Library (Public Project)
- Ruth Faison Shaw Museum (Nonprofit initiative)
- Erwin Village Subdivision (Affordable Housing)
- Intimate Bookshop (burned downtown building)
The following
requests for this special application processing were not approved by the Town
- East Franklin Car Care,
- Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority,
- an application for parking and refuse facilities at 317 West Rosemary Street,
- The Franklin Hotel,
- Eastowne 501 Office Building,
- Avalon Park Subdivision, and
- Kehillah.