TO: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
FROM: Catherine Lazorko, Town Information Officer
SUBJECT: Video Public Service Announcements
DATE: March 8, 2006
We recommend budgeting $3,000 to produce videos that will promote Town services, messages and activities on Government Access Cable Channel 18. The videos will help the Town convey information to citizens and make good use of air time on our government channel.
We intend to work collaboratively with a video production class at the UNC School of Journalism and Mass Communication. The class would devote the fall 2006 semester to the production of eight 30-second Public Service Announcements (PSAs) for the Town of Chapel Hill. The class is led by Professor Richard Simpson, whose interest areas are corporate communication and video and film production. He has received several International Television Association's Reel of Excellence Awards.
Each semester, the class utilizes the services of a professional videographer, and the students focus their attention on script writing, editing and directing. The proposed work next fall would be exceptional because the class would focus its entire semester to the Town of Chapel Hill. If the Town were to contract this work to a professional firm, we have been advised that the costs would at least double the amount requested by the School of Journalism.
The student work would be directed by Professor Simpson working with the Town Information Officer to ensure that the final videos would meet with the Town’s high standards for excellent communications. We desire to select topic areas that are long-lasting messages, so that they will be timely and informative for at least a full year after production. When the PSAs are completed, we would circulate them to other television stations to request that they consider broadcasting them free of charge as a public service to the community.
We have not yet finalized our PSA topic areas, but are considering a possible list of subjects that includes the following: