F. 2006-07 Public Transportation Grants


The forum tonight is an opportunity for citizens to comment on transit services and projects in 2006-07 including the use of federal and State grants for transit operations, capital projects and transportation planning.




Transportation services, projects and planning activities are intended to provide alternatives to the use of single-occupant vehicles, reduce traffic congestion, reduce air pollution and assist people with disabilities affecting their mobility.


Estimated Funding


For 2006-07, federal funding for transit services is estimated to be about $1.1 million and State funding is estimated to be about $3.3 million.


Sharing of Local Costs


The University and Towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill have agreed to share the local cost for transit services. The cost-sharing formulas are set forth in separate contracts with the University and Carrboro.


2006-07 Services


Chapel Hill Transit provides: