Excerpts from Town of Chapel Hill Code of Ordinances:


Sec. 9-114. Storage of junk, etc., removal of dead trees, weeds, etc.


It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant of a residential building, structure or property to utilize the premises of such residential property for the open storage of any abandoned motor vehicle, icebox, refrigerator, stove, glass, building material, building rubbish or similar items. It shall be the duty and responsibility of every such owner or occupant to keep the premises of such residential property clean and to remove from the premises all such abandoned items, as listed above, including but not limited to weeds, dead trees, trash, garbage, etc., upon notice from the building official.


For the purposes of this section, an "abandoned motor vehicle" is defined as one that is in a state of disrepair and incapable of being moved under its own power.


A violation of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor, as provided by G.S. 14-4 and shall subject the violator to a fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days.


Sec. 11-22.  Decayed flesh, vegetables, etc., to be disposed of properly.

No person shall allow to remain on a lot owned or occupied by him any decayed flesh, vegetables or other decayed thing or matter, which may annoy his neighbors or tend to effect the health of any citizen; nor shall any person throw or place any such matter upon any street or alley or upon the lot of another person.


Sec. 11-24.  Nuisances prohibited; certain nuisances enumerated.

It shall be unlawful for any person to create a nuisance on his lot or a lot occupied by him, or to allow a nuisance to remain on his lot or a lot occupied by him. Dead animals, stagnant water, decayed vegetables and fruits, filthy stables, and anything causing an offensive odor, or anything that causes injury or damage to the health or life of any other person, or the community at large, are declared nuisances.


Sec. 11-25.  Noxious weeds, underbrush, piled rubbish prohibited; removal; fine


It shall be unlawful for any person to allow or permit to remain on his lot or a lot occupied by him any noxious weeds, underbrush, piled rubbish, after having been notified to remove same by the health department or the city manager of the town. Any person refusing to remove same within twenty-four (24) hours after being requested to do so shall be subject to forfeit and pay a penalty of five dollars ($5.00) per day for each day same remains on lot. If said weeds, underbrush or oiled rubbish are not removed within seventy-two (72) hours after the notice heretofore mentioned, the town manager is authorized to have same removed and to charge the cost of same to the owner of said lot, which shall be a lien thereon until paid.


Sec. 11-26.  Junked, dilapidated vehicles. 


It shall be unlawful for any person to allow or permit to remain on a lot owned, occupied or controlled by him, any exposed motor vehicle or part thereof in a junked or dilapidated condition for more than thirty (30) days after written notice by the town manager to remove same. Such notice shall not be given except upon a finding by the health department or the building inspector that such situation exists and constitutes or will be likely to constitute a health or safety hazard. Health or safety hazard as used herein shall include, but not be limited, to the accumulation of rubbish, underbrush, or weeds around said vehicle, the presence of snakes, rats or other similar animals, the accumulation of stagnant water therein so as to serve as a breeding ground for insects, or such physical conditions as may be likely to cause injury to persons coming in contact therewith.


An owner of a vehicle towed under the provisions of this section may request a hearing as provided by law.


In the event said junked or dilapidated vehicle or part thereof is not removed within said thirty (30) day period, the town manager shall have the authority to remove and dispose of same.


Sec. 11-27.  Penalties.

A violation of sections 11-22, 11-23, 11-24 and 11-26 shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall subject the violator to a fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days.