Excerpt from the Land Use Management Ordinance:


5.9.9       Parking in Front Yards


(a)           Applicability


The restrictions of this Section shall apply to single-family and two-family dwellings in all zoning districts.


(b)           Generally


Parking and drive areas located in front yards (between the street and a line drawn parallel to the street from the point of the house that is closest to the street) shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition, shall not contribute to soil erosion or to tree damage, and shall be clearly designated and covered with an all weather surface or gravel.


(c)           Coverage


Parking and drive areas shall be limited to 40% of the front yard area of any zoning lot.  Access to front yard parking shall be limited to properly approved curb cuts or other approved access points.


(d)           Exceptions


The Town Manager may grant an exception to subsection (c) where he/she finds all of the following conditions to exist on the property:


(1)           The parking area is clearly defined and or marked; and


(2)           The parking area is maintained in a safe and sanitary condition; and


(3)           The parking area does not contribute to soil erosion or tree damage; and


(4)           Access to front yard parking shall be limited to properly approved curb cuts or other approved access points; and


(5)           The location and dimension of such parking area is traditionally and customarily associated with the subject structure; and


(6)           If the parking lot is located in the Historic District, the Historic District Commission grants a Certificate of Appropriateness for the parking area.


The Town Manager may grant an exception to subsection (c) where he/she finds that environmental constraints preclude parking elsewhere.