TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Response to Citizen Petition: Mason Farm Road Feasibility Study
DATE: April 3, 2006
This memorandum responds to a citizen petition requesting information on the proposed study to evaluate the relocation of Mason Farm Road. The petition also requests citizen participation in the study (Attachment 1).
The 2006-2012 North Carolina Transportation Improvement Program included project FS-0307A, Relocated Mason Farm Road, NC 86 (South Columbia Street) to US 15-501, Feasibility Study. During the process for reviewing the draft State Transportation Improvement Program Town staff raised questions with staff from the North Carolina Department of Transportation concerning the source of the request for the proposed study and anticipated timetable for completing the study. Department of Transportation staff did not provide any further information at that time.
We have contacted the North Carolina Department of Transportation and received additional information on the status of the study. Department of Transportation staff indicated that until early 2006 the study was inactive, pending a formal letter from either the University of North Carolina or the University of North Carolina Hospitals formally requesting and endorsing the project. In January 2006, Department of Transportation staff began the process to select a consultant to prepare the feasibility study, even though there was no response from the University or University Hospitals.
We understand that the former Director of the University Hospitals Health Care System, Dr. Jeffrey Houpt, made the original request to the North Carolina Department of Transportation for the feasibility study.
The Department of Transportation has selected a consultant and is currently in negotiations over the scope of work. The project is anticipated to begin May 1, 2006 and will include consultation with the University, Hospital, Town and Metropolitan Planning Organization. The study is anticipated to be completed in the fall of 2007.
Department of Transportation staff has indicated that feasibility studies are technical evaluations, providing preliminary planning and do not include citizen participation. Department of Transportation staff suggested that citizen input would be received through the participation of elected officials and staff.
We will continue to monitor the progress of the Mason Farm Road Feasibility Study, identify opportunities to provide comments and provide periodic reports to the Council.