-----Original Message-----
From: Dr. Harvey Krasny
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 4:06 PM
To: Gene Poveromo
Cc: [email protected]; Kevin Foy
Subject: Agenda 4(k) re UNC Park/Ride at Bible Church-- Poveromo/Chapel Hill
Importance: High
Re: Agenda 4(k) re UNC request for expedited review of application for a
UNC Park/Ride at Bible Church- Council Meeting Mar 27, 2006.
I want to bring to your attention the Manager's Memo to Council tonight on
the above referenced item. I am enclosing that item. In the section,
Background, I see NO mention of the previous related discussion on this item
before Council at the March 25, 2002 Council meeting, Agenda 5(f).
I am enclosing the letter from the Manager to Council dated Mar 25, 2002 on
the subject-- Response to University regarding Use of Bible Church Parking
Lot. This was placed in the Informational Items section of the meeting and
was ONLY up for separate discussion IF requested. I believe Council Member
Bill Strom did request that item to be pulled for a discussion per the
request of Mac Clark and myself, because we were opposed to the Council
giving what appeared to us at the time to be a green light approval to move
forward as noted in the Manager's Conclusion section of that agenda item
"Unless the Council provides other directions, we will communicate to the
University and the Bible Church that the Council has no objection to the
University pursuing development of a park-ride lot at the Bible Church
The Mayor and Council agreed with Mac and I, and I recall that the Mayor
told UNC and the Church that they were welcome to go through the standard
application process, but NO such approval from Council in this manner would
occur. I am further enclosing an article from the Herald-Sun newspaper
dated Mar 31, 2002 that reports this discussion. As noted at the end of
this news report, the paper states:
"We’re not saying park-and-ride shouldn’t go in," Krasny said. "We support
park-and-ride. Just put it somewhere else that doesn’t bring congestion to
Erwin and Sage, a little farther up the road towards Durham. In other
cities, if traffic is coming from another city, they put the park and ride
in the other city." Krasny didn’t elaborate, but Foy acknowledged that at
least some officials wonder whether Durham’s troubled South Square Mall
would make a better site."
Therefore, I trust that in the Background section to the scheduled Council
Plan Review of UNC's Bible Church SUP modification application on April 19,
2006 this previous presentation and Council's response to UNC on Mar 25,
2002 will be appropriately referenced.
I also hope that it will be further noted in the Background section for that
same Council Plan Review Apr 19, 2006 that two months after the Mar 25, 2002
Council meeting (ie, on May 13, 2002) Council heard and approved a request
by the Bible Church to add an additional 319 parking spaces to the 500
(built 483) that already were approved as part of the Church's SUP approved
Oct 12, 1998. It is my understanding that ONLY 72 of those 319 spaces have
been build-out to date (E-mail to H. Krasny from Bible Church Nov 1, 2005).
That request in 2002 came in a letter to the Town from the Bible Church Apr
29, 2002 wherein the Church stated:
"Due to current space constraints and our anticipated continued growth,
space in our facility is already very tight on Sundays, and growing more
tight during the week. We are looking forward to the next phase of our
master plan build-out, which may be a gym to serve the athletic programs
during the week and provide for more worship space on Sundays."
Thank you for your review of this additional information,
Best regards,
Harvey Krasny