From: Michele Mellgren  
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 2:17 PM
To: Manager
Subject: Upcoming Concept Plan Review-Property Owner Concerns


I am the owner of property located in Providence Glen condominium. I received mail notice an upcoming Concept Plan Review for the University of North Carolina Par & ride Lot at Chapel Hill Bible Church (File 7.26..18 & 46). The church is located more or less across from the condominium on Old Sterling Drive. The church is proposing to lease 241 parking spaces to the University to be used as a commuter parking lot for University employees. Because Old Sterling Drive is a short cut to 15-501 and I-40,  I have some questions and concerns regarding this proposal, which I hope the Council members will explore when they review the Concept Plan. These are all related to traffic impacts, and are as follows:


1)  Does the concept plan propose to utilize entrances to the lot on both Erwin Road and Old Sterling Drive?


2)  I note that the traffic data shown on the site location map shown is three years old.

            A)  Are there going to be updated traffic counts to reflect new development in the general area?

            B)  Is there any traffic data available for Old Sterling Road?

            B)  Is there any trip distribution information for the proposed application?

            C)  Is Old Sterling Road adequate to accommodate additional traffic?


3)  Has the applicant provided any information concerning the hours of operation of the lot, of the shuttle bus, and hours of anticipated vehicular arrival and departure?


4)  Under your code, does a special permit require annual or periodic Council review and renewal, or can it be revoked at a future time? In another words, if the Council approves the application, does it have the ability to rescind the use at a later date if the use is problematic?


Please share this email with the elected officials so that they can explore these matters at the public hearing, if they deem it appropriate to do so. Thank you in advance.



Michele Mellgren, AICP

Michele Mellgren & Associates, Inc.

6555 Nova Drive, Suite 305

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317

Phone: 954.475.3070

Fax:    954.475.9550