AGENDA #3a(1)
From: Caroline Spencer
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:25 PM
To: Manager
Subject: UNC Transportation Report/Mallette Street
April 13, 2006
Dear Mr. Horton:
We were pleased that the town council referred UNC’s Annual Development Plan Report on Transportation to town staff for review and analysis. As downtown homeowners, we share town concerns over the impact that university growth has/will have on our neighborhoods.
We were disappointed to note that Mallette Street was not specifically mentioned in the University’s Transportation Report. Mallette Street is a residential street adjacent to the University. Each day over 3,000 cars speed up and down this street as a cut through from Franklin to Cameron Street, many using Mallette to avoid the troublesome Cameron/Columbia intersection. This is only going to get worse as both UNC and the town develop projects adjacent to our neighborhood.
On behalf of our Neighborhood Association, I am writing to request that the town carry out the following measures:
1) Ensure that Mallette Street is included in any study, report or discussions of traffic conditions and traffic calming measures in streets adjacent to the University.
2) Keep our neighborhood association up to date on progress and include a neighborhood association representative in any town or town/gown discussions about these issues, as appropriate.
For the first time in almost 40 years (!), there are young children on our street in addition to senior citizens, professors and of course college students. We are willing and eager to help the town and university find a way to support the anticipated growth while not filling our neighborhood streets with cars traveling at speeds unsafe for our children and neighbors.
Thank you in advance for your consideration,
Caroline Spencer
Mallette Street Representative