TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Internship Program
DATE: April 24, 2006
The purpose of this budget working paper is to describe the Internship Program that is included in the Manager’s recommended budget.
At its January 12, 2006 work planning session, the Council after brief discussion endorsed the establishment of an undergraduate internship program in Town service as recommended by a Council Member.
The Town has employed graduate, undergraduate and high school interns for many years in a variety of manners.
Internships produce work of value to the Town and, at the same time, provide valuable work experiences to students. Internships also are useful in attracting students to careers of service in local government.
Six Town departments already offer graduate or undergraduate internships. Expanding the internship program to all departments could result in creation of additional internship opportunities in the following departments:
Undergraduate internships customarily are limited to about 12-15 hours of work per week for about 10-12 weeks during the fall and/or spring semesters, with some flexibility for both the employing departments and the students. We believe this arrangement would be reasonable for the Town’s program.
Stipends offered with internships vary considerably based on such factors as whether the student is post-graduate, graduate, or undergraduate; whether funding is from another agency, by grant for a special purpose, or from local sources; and the specific tasks involved in an assignment. For the Town’s undergraduate internship program, we think that a stipend of $1,000 per semester would be fair and sufficient to attract capable candidates.
Estimated costs for stipends would total $20,000; of this amount $16,000 would be in the General Fund, $2,000 in the Housing Fund and $2,000 in the Transportation Fund.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill would be the primary source for intern candidates, but candidates from other institutions would be welcome for consideration.
We recommend that the additional internships be funded in the 2006-07 budget.