FY 2004-05 IPM/Pesticide Report
Comprehensive records of pesticide use in the Landscape Division/ Public Works Department during the last fiscal year indicate that Town staff provided the following pesticide related services:
Typical examples of I.P.M. practices utilized during the course of the year included; significant hand pulling of weeds in all annual beds, most perennial beds and tilling up of weeds in playgrounds; mulching all bedding areas during the winter; and installing disease resistant annuals and perennials during the relevant growing seasons.
Witherspoon who treats for disease and insects at the Town’s rose garden provided us with a typical treatment schedule (attached). The “Captan” is a fungicide, “Clearys” is a systemic insecticide and “Orthene” is a contact insecticide. Note that there is a July treatment which contains “Sevin” and may vary in it’s frequency of treatment depending on the Japanese beetle population at that time. The January treatment contains lime sulfur which is a least toxic pest management measure to eliminate over-wintering insects.
The Fire and Housing Departments reported no heavy pest infestations in their buildings and therefore no interior contact spraying was provided in the last fiscal year. Instead, when needed, their pest control contractor “Cleggs” utilized a baiting system that is specific to the target pest (i.e. ants, roaches etc.).
The Public Works Facilities Maintenance Division utilized “The Bug Man” as their pest control contractor. “The Bug Man’ used Pyrethroids, which are a plant based broad-spectrum residual insecticide. About 17 diluted gallons were sprayed in Town facilities last fiscal year. The Parks and Recreation Department used “Sawyer” as their pest control contractor and they utilized Lambda - cyhalothrin for structural pest control. About 31/2 gallons were applied at the Parks and Recreation administration building during the last year fiscal year.
“TruGreen Chemlawn” was contracted to apply pre and post-emergent weed controls to the soccer and baseball fields at Homestead Park and the soccer fields at Meadowmont Park in accordance with a treatment schedule (attached). This represents a total area of 8.3 acres.
“Orkin” Pest Control was used to control the rat population in the Central Business District. They utilize an Anticoagulant Rodenticide in a baiting system. A total of 720 oz. were used during the last fiscal year.