TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:      Follow-up Report on the Town’s Integrated Pest Management Policy


DATE:            May 22, 2006





The purpose of this report is to provide follow-up information about the Town’s Integrated Pest Management Policy as requested by the Council Committee on Sustainability, Energy and Environment.




On October 3, 2005, the Council received a petition from Ms. Julie Vann requesting that the Town adopt an Integrated Pest Management Plan. On November 21, 2005, the Council received a report from the Town Manager in response to Ms. Vann’s petition.  At that meeting a Council Member raised concerns about the Town’s use of contracted landscape maintenance companies to apply pesticides at Town maintained Bermuda grass ball fields and at the Strowd Rose Garden.  At that time the Council also requested that the staff contact Mr. Allen Spalt, former director of the Pesticide Education Project, and seek his advice for possible improvements to the Town’s landscape maintenance practices.


On January 30, 2006, the Council received a letter from Ms. Fawn Pattison, executive director of the Pesticide Education Project, identifying concerns she has with the Town’s Integrated Pest Management Program.  On February 13, 2006, the Council directed that the staff meet with the Council’s Sustainability, Energy and Environment (SEE) Committee to review Ms. Pattison’s concerns.


On March 16, 2006, the staff provided the SEE Committee with a report providing responses to each of the concerns raised in Ms. Pattison’s letter to the Council.  This report, including the two previous Council petitions and related support documentation as attachments, is included as Attachment 1.  During the March 16, 2006 presentation, the SEE Committee requested additional information about three specific issues related to how the staff implements the Town’s Integrated Pest Management Policy and on April 21, 2006, the staff returned to the SEE Committee with a follow-up report.  This follow-up report is included as Attachment 2.  At the conclusion of the staff’s April 21, 2006 presentation, the SEE Committee requested that the staff provide a report to the Council summarizing the measures the staff is undertaking to meet the objectives of the Town’s Integrated Pest Management Policy




The Town’s Integrated Pest Management Policy was developed in an effort to minimize the use of pesticides on Town-owned properties and assure that when pesticides are deemed necessary to address pest problems that they are applied appropriately.  An essential component of the policy is the designation of an Integrated Pest Management Coordinator responsible for determining what pest management strategies should be employed to address pest problems and, if it is determined that pesticides are to be applied, keeping detailed records of these pesticide applications. Robert Minick, the Town’s Landscape Superintendent, is the Town’s designated Integrated Pest Management Coordinator.  The Integrated Pest Management Coordinator also maintains technical information about all pesticides considered for use on Town-owned properties, to assure that when pesticide applications are deemed necessary, the least toxic effective pesticides are used. 


The fundamental issue that the Integrated Pest Management Coordinator must address is determining when pesticide applications are the most reasonable method of addressing pest problems.  This issue is a complex one that requires maintaining a commitment to minimizing pesticide exposure to Town employees, the public and the environment while understanding the relative cost and effectiveness of different pest control strategies. In light of recent concerns raised about pesticide use, Town staff has sought advice from a number of horticulture and pesticide experts to assist us in responding to these concerns.  Detailed information that the staff obtained from these experts is provided in the attached March 16, 2006 report to the Sustainability, Energy and Environment Committee.


In response to the information received, the staff undertook a detailed review of how the Town’s Integrated Pest Management Policy is implemented, and developed some recommended clarifications and revisions to these implementation practices to better meet the objectives of the Policy.  The key recommendations, as presented to the Sustainability, Energy and Environment Committee, are:















We believe that the above recommended clarifications and revisions to the Integrated Pest Management Policy implementation policies will reduce the amount of pesticides used on Town-owned properties and decrease pesticide exposure to the public and the environment.  We believe that these proposed recommendations can be accommodated with only a modest impact to the Town’s maintenance resources and represent a significant commitment on the part of the Town to protect its citizens while providing adequately maintained fully functional landscape areas.




1.      March 16, 2006 IPM report to the SEE Committee (with attachments) (begin new page 1).

2.      April 21, 2006 IPM follow-up report to the SEE Committee (p. 27).