Chapel Hill Transit Passenger Amenities Program



Chapel Hill Transit has approximately $290,000 in additional state allocation to support the improvement of passenger amenities.


Below is a summary of the activities planned.


Emergency phones.  Chapel Hill Transit will install emergency phones at the following park and ride lots: Eubanks Road, NC 54, Southern Village and Jones Ferry Road. Over the past several months staff has worked with various suppliers to establish the proper number and location of phones to provide the maximum security for Chapel Hill Transit customers.   Proposals have been received and staff is negotiating a project agreement with SFI – the most responsive proposal.  Installation is expected to be completed by August 15.


Project cost


Completion Date August 15, 2006



Shelter repair and construction  The shelter program has two objectives:

1.  To clean and repair existing shelters

2.  Install new shelters throughout the community.


The following are being undertaken.


Shelter cleaning and maintenance    Chapel Hill Transit will hire a permanent part time employee to clean and maintain shelters.  The position will be filled in time to have all shelters cleaned before August.  As a permanent employee this person will routinely clean and inspect all shelters, benches and bus stops.


Shelter inventory   Chapel Hill Transit staff is conducting a shelter inventory that will evaluate the condition and the cost of repair or replacement of 80 shelters.  The plan to be completed in June will establish budget and time table to complete the shelter repair over the next 12 months.


Project Cost


Completion Date June 1, 2007


New shelter locations   Once the shelter inventory is complete and a repair budget is established, Chapel Hill Transit will develop a process to select locations for new shelters.  The plan will identify potential locations based on current ridership focusing on bus stops that have the highest number of boardings that do not have shelters as well as requests and petitions from the public.




Chapel Hill Transit has identified bus stop locations with the highest passenger boardings that do not currently have shelters.


Project Cost


Completion Date May 1, 2007



           5 Shelters



Schedule information at bus stops   The Transportation Board has suggested that schedule information be provided at bus stops.  Chapel Hill Transit recommends a program be started that provides schedule information at all timepoints in the system.  It is estimated the there are 250 separate timepoints in the system.  The cost to install schedule information could approach $100 per stop.


Project Cost


Completion Date May 1, 2007