TO:                  W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


FROM:            Kay Johnson, Finance Director


SUBJECT:      Request for $87,000 for Library Books and Half-Time Book Processor


DATE:            June 7, 2006



At the Public Hearing on the recommended budget on May 10, 2006, the Council received requests from the Library Foundation Board, the Friends of the Library, and the Library Board of Trustees for $87,000 for library books and a half time book processor.  The proposed source of the funds was $87,000 that had previously been used for police support for the Apple Chill festival in 2005-06.  The Police Chief presented the need for continued Special Events funding in future years for post-athletic events, spontaneous celebrations as well as for other possible special events. 


The funds used to pay for Police Services for the Apple Chill street Festival were budgeted in the overtime salaries and agency payment accounts ($27,000); the remainder ($60,000) was funded from salary savings.  The Manager’s Recommended Budget included $95,000 for cost of police services for all street events (Halloween, basketball victory celebrations, etc.).  We believe that all of these funds should be reserved for police services based on past experience and our best projection for next year.  We believe that all of the budgeted funds will be needed, and that some of salary savings will again be necessary.




We recommend allocation of funds as proposed in the Manager’s Budget Recommendation.