TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Additional Position Changes Proposed for 2006-07 Budget
DATE: June 7, 2006
The purpose of this report is to provide information on two additional position changes proposed for the 2006-07 Budget.
Public Works Department
In the Streets/Construction/Drainage Division, we propose to abolish one position of Supervisor at grade 37 and replace it with one position for a Streets/Construction/Drainage Superintendent at grade 44. The reclassified position would be filled based on a competitive promotion process. Funds are included in the proposed budget. Exact costs will depend on when the position is filled and are estimated to be $2,600.
Transportation Department: The Director of Transportation recommends that the current half-time Marketing Coordinator position in the Transportation Department be eliminated. This job has in the past been combined with a half-time position in the Planning Department that serves as the Coordinator for the Active Living By Design program. The Director of Transportation plans to use the Transportation Department funds allocated to the half-time position in the Transportation Department for direct marketing, working in concert with the Town Information Officer. The Planning Department needs to continue the services of the half-time position in the Planning Department, to meet grant requirements of the Active Living by Design program. We propose that the reduction be from fulltime to half-time and change in title to Community Education Coordinator effective September 15, 2006, to allow sufficient notice to the current employee.
We recommend that the Council approve the position change in the Public Works Department to be effective July 1, 2006 and the position change in the Transportation Department to be effective September 15, 2006.